Deniz Atik’s curiosity and persistence has led her to dive in the complex waters of a powerful and ubiquitous contemporary phenomenon: fast fashion. From a critical perspective on marketing studies, Atik has addressed the impact of fast fashion on the environment, workers’ rights, consumer welfare, and the global system of industries and philosophies around fashion markets. Problematizing the logics of sustainability, western beauty standards and consumer vulnerability in terms of identity and representation are central analyses in her literature that proposes new perspectives on the universe of constructs related to fast fashion to be analyzed in the context of post-modern markets. As co-editor in chief of the MGDR journal, Atik has hope in new generations to reduce environmental impact through conscious consumption, embrace new market logics of sustainability, and challenge the underlying ethos of capitalist markets.
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Recommended Citation
Navarro, Beatriz de Quero and Joy, Annamma
"From Oceanography to Critical Marketing by Way of Dismantling Fast Fashion: The Purposeful Research Trajectory of Deniz Atik,"
Markets, Globalization & Development Review:
Vol. 7:
2, Article 3.
DOI: 10.23860/MGDR-2022-07-02-03
Available at:
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Anthropology Commons, Economics Commons, Marketing Commons, Other Business Commons, Sociology Commons
Author Bio
Beatriz De Quero-Navarro is a doctoral candidate in the Business Management Department at Universidad Loyola Andalucía (Spain). Her research interests and publications have addressed consumer behavior, inclusive market dynamics, macromarketing, and cross-cultural studies. She has published in the Journal of Macromarketing, Behaviour & Information Technology, and the Journal of Environmental Management.
Annamma Joy is a Professor of Marketing at the University of British Columbia. Most of her research is in the area of art, fashion and wine. She has published extensively in marketing journals including the Journal of Macromarketing, the Journal of Consumer Research, and the Journal of Retailing.