Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Sciences faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2007


Characterizations of fish gelatin films added with gellan and κ-carrageenan, Yudi Pranoto, Chong Min Lee, and Hyun Jin Park


Role of nitric oxide in the defenses of Crassostrea virginica to experimental infection with the protozoan parasite Perkinsus marinus, Luisa Villamil, Javier Gómez-León, and Marta Gómez-Chiarri


Effect of the molecular mass and degree of substitution of oleoylchitosan on the structure, rheological properties, and formation of nanoparticles, Yan Li Yan, Guang Chen Xi, Sheng Liu Cheng, Su Cha Dong, Jin Park Hyun, and Chong M. Lee


Molecular cloning and characterization of the taurine transporter of Atlantic salmon, Jacques M. Zarate and Terence M. Bradley

Submissions from 2006


Comparative genomics in vertebrate evolution and development, Chris T. Amemiya and Marta Gomez-Chiarri


Preparation and biocompatibility of chitosan microcarriers as biomaterial, Xi Guang Chen, Cheng Sheng Liu, Chen Guang Liu, Xiang Hong Meng, Chong M. Lee, and Hyun Jin Park


Development of biodegradable hot-melt adhesive based on poly-ε-caprolactone and soy protein isolate for food packaging system, Won Y. Choi, Chong M. Lee, and Hyun Jin Park


Functional implications of Major Histocompatibility (MH) variation using estuarine fish populations, Sarah Cohen, Joëlle Tirindelli, Marta Gomez-Chiarri, and Diane Nacci


Vibrio harveyi and other bacterial pathogens in cultured summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, Eric Gauger, Roxanna Smolowitz, Kevin Uhlinger, Jessica Casey, and Marta Gómez-Chiarri


Food consumption and absorption efficiency by newly settled summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus (Linneaus, 1766), T. S. Getchis and D. A. Bengtson


Oxygen consumption of newly settled summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus (Linnaeus, 1766), Robin S. Katersky, Myron M. Peck, and David A. Bengtson


Seafood flavor from processing by-products, C. M. Lee


Effects of temperature and body size on the swimming speed of larval and juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): Implications for individual-based modelling, Myron A. Peck, Lawrence J. Buckley, and David A. Bengtson


Mechanistic study of solubility enhancement of nifedipine using vitamin E TPGS or solutol HS-15, Minal Rajebahadur, Hossein Zia, Anthony Nues, and Chong Lee


Developmental changes in stomach, intestine, and skin glycoconjugates in summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus): A lectin histochemical study, Bruno Soffientino, Marta Gomez-Chiarri, and Jennifer Specker

Submissions from 2005


Effect of the T/B North Cape oil spill on the surf clam (Spisula solidissima) in the Coastal Waters of Southern Rhode Island, Joseph Dealteris, Neil Thompson, Laura Skrobe, Gary Mauseth, and Jerry Erickson


Characterization of squid-processing byproduct hydrolysate and its potential as aquaculture feed ingredient, P. Z. Lian, C. M. Lee, and E. Park

Restoration and compensation of the Rhode Island lobster fishery following the North Cape oil spill, Gary S. Mauseth, Gregory E. Challenger, John Catena, and Joseph DeAlteris


Effects of temperature, body size and feeding on rates of metabolism in young-of-the-year haddock, M. A. Peck, L. J. Buckley, and D. A. Bengtson


Marine Growth and Morphometrics for Three Populations of Atlantic Salmon from Eastern Maine, USA, Timothy F. Sheehan, John F. Kocik, Steven X. Cadrin, Christopher M. Legault, Ernest Atkinson, and David A. Bengtson


The major Aeromonas veronii outer membrane protein: Gene cloning and sequence analysis, Roberto Carlos Vázquez-Juárez, Marta Gómez-Chiarri, Hugo Barrera-Saldaña, Norma Hernández, and Felipe Ascencio


Evaluation of DNA vaccination of spotted sand bass (Paralabrax maculatofasciatus) with two major outer-membrane protein-encoding genes from Aeromonas veronii, Roberto Carlos Vazquez-Juarez, Marta Gomez-Chiarri, Hugo Barrera-Saldaña, Norma Hernandez-Saavedra, Silvie Dumas, and Felipe Ascencio

Submissions from 2004


The effects of temperature and salinity on early life stages of black sea bass Centropristis striata, David L. Berlinsky, Janalyn C. Taylor, Rachel A. Howell, Terence M. Bradley, and Theodore I.J. Smith


A Comparative Evaluation of the Habitat Value of Shellfish Aquaculture Gear, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and a Non-Vegetated Seabed, Joseph DeAlteris, Brian D. Kilpatrick, and Robert B. Rheault


Evaluation of a large-mesh panel to reduce the flatfish bycatch in the small-mesh bottom trawls used in the New England silver hake fishery, Henry O. Milliken and Joseph T. DeAlteris

Measurement of net-relative flow during a bottom trawl survey, Archie T. Morrison, Russell W. Brown, Philip J. Politis, and Joseph T. DeAlteris


Osmotic stress of salmon stimulates upregulation of a cold inducible RNA binding protein (CIRP) similar to that of mammals and amphibians, Feng Pan, Jacques Zarate, Arpita Choudhury, Ryan Rupprecht, and Terence M. Bradley


Inter-individual differences in rates of routine energy loss and growth in young-of-the-year juvenile Atlantic cod, M. A. Peck, L. J. Buckley, and D. A. Bengtson

Submissions from 2003


Effects of water velocity on conditioning of summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, for net pens, David Bengtson, Stephen Willey, Erin McCaffrey, and David Alves


O/W emulsification for the self-aggregation and nanoparticle formation of linoleic acid-modified chitosan in the aqueous system, Xi Guang Chen, Chong M. Lee, and Hyun Jin Park


Restoration that targets function as opposed to structure: Replacing lost bivalve production and filtration, Deborah P. French McCay, Charles H. Peterson, Joseph T. DeAlteris, and John Catena


The effects of photoperiod manipulation on the reproduction of black sea bass, Centropristis striata, Rachel A. Howell, David L. Berlinsky, and Terence M. Bradley


Effect of γ-irradiation on degradation of alginate, Dong Wook Lee, Won Seok Choi, Myung Woo Byun, Hyun Jin Park, Yong Man Yu, and Chong M. Lee


The impacts of aquacultured oysters, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791) on water column nitrogen and sedimentation: results of a mesocosm study, Jennifer Mugg Pietros and Michael A. Rice




Energy losses due to routine and feeding metabolism in young-of-the-year juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), Myron A. Peck, Lawrence J. Buckley, and David Bengtson


The effect of body size on food consumption, absorption efficiency, respiration, and ammonia excretion by the inland silverside, Menidia beryllina (Cope) (Osteichthyes: Atherinidae), Myron A. Peck, R. S. Katersky, L. M. Menard, and D. A. Bengtson


Effects of Food Consumption and Temperature on Growth Rate and Biochemical-Based Indicators of Growth in Early Juvenile Atlantic Cod Gadus Morhua and Haddock Melanogrammus Aeglefinus, Myron Arms Peck, Lawrence J. Buckley, Elaine M. Caldarone, and David A. Bengtson


Molecular cloning, sequencing and characterization of omp48, the gene encoding for an antigenic outer membrane protein from Aeromonas veronii, R. C. Vázquez-Juárez, H. A. Barrera-Saldaña, N. Y. Hernández-Saavedra, M. Gómez-Chiarri, and Felipe Ascencio


Arachidonic acid requirements in larval summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, Stephen Willey, David A. Bengtson, and Moti Harel


Heat shock proteins are not sensitive indicators of hatchery stress in salmon, Jacques Zarate and Terence M. Bradley

Submissions from 2002

Growth of the northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, in an experimental-scale upweller, Craig L. Appleyard and Joseph T. Dealteris


Epidemiologic investigation of seroprevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in cats and rodents, Monica L. DeFeo, J. P. Dubey, Thomas N. Mather, and Richard C. Rhodes


16S ribosomal DNA sequencing confirms the synonymy of Vibrio harveyi and V. carchariae, Eric J. Gauger and Marta Gomez-Chiarri


Recent advances in surimi technology, Chong M. Lee


Cryostabilization of unwashed fish mince, Chong M. Lee and Peizhi Lian


Textural and physical properties of acid-induced and potassium-substituted low-sodium surimi gels, P. Z. Lian, C. M. Lee, and K. H. Chung


A homolog of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Rbx1 is induced during hyperosmotic stress of salmon, Feng Pan, Jacques Zarate, and Terence M. Bradley


Biogenic amines formation in Bigeye tuna steaks and whole Skipjack tuna, S. Rossi, C. Lee, P. C. Ellis, and L. F. Pivarnik


Comparative microbial diversity in the gastrointestinal tracts of food animal species, Joyce M. Simpson, Svetlana A. Kocherginskaya, Roustam I. Aminov, Laura T. Skerlos, Terence M. Bradley, Roderick I. Mackie, and Bryan A. White

Submissions from 2001

Modeling growth of the northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, Craig L. Appleyard and Joseph T. Dealteris


Optimization of enzyme-assisted squid flavor production using an orthogonal array method, Peizhi Lian, Chong M. Lee, and Eugene Park

Submissions from 2000


Survival of larval summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus on formulated diets and failure of thyroid hormone treatment to improve performance, D. A. Bengtson, T. L. Simlick, E. W. Binette, R. R. Lovett IV, D. Alves, A. M. Schreiber, and J. L. Specker


Investigations of selected parameters for growth of larval and juvenile black sea bass Centropristis striata L., David Berlinsky, Mark Watson, George Nardi, and Terence M. Bradley


Some new observations on the cytopathology of fin erosion disease in winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus, Joel E. Bodammer


Production, quality, and low temperature incubation of eggs of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua and haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus in captivity, Lawrence J. Buckley, Terence M. Bradley, and Jennifer Allen-Guilmette


Effects of mobile bottom fishing gear on biodiversity and habitat in offshore New England waters, Joseph T. Dealteris, Laura G. Skrobe, and Kathleen M. Castro


Gelation and water binding properties of transglutaminase-treated skim milk powder, J. Y. Imm, P. Lian, and Chong M. Lee


Effects of larval stocking density on laboratory-scale and commercial-scale production of summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus, Nicholas J. King, W. Huntting Howell, Marina Huber, and David A. Bengtson


Physicochemical properties of frozen red hake (Urophycis chuss) mince as affected by cryoprotective ingredients, P. Z. Lian, C. M. Lee, and L. Hufnagel


Cloning and characterization of salmon hsp90 cDNA: Upregulation by thermal and hyperosmotic stress, Feng Pan, Jacques M. Zarate, George C. Tremblay, and Terence M. Bradley


A review of shellfish restoration and management projects in Rhode Island, Michael A. Rice, April Valliere, and Angela Caporelli

Submissions from 1999


Investigations into the causes of early larval mortality in cultured summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus L.), David Alves, Jennifer L. Specker, and David A. Bengtson


Aquaculture of summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus): Status of knowledge, current research and future research priorities, D. A. Bengtson


Consumption Rates of Summer Flounder Larvae on Rotifer and Brine Shrimp Prey During Larval Rearing, David A. Bengtson, Timothy R. Gleason, and Mohamad A. Hossain


Green-Water Rearing and Delayed Weaning Improve Growth and Survival of Summer Flounder, David A. Bengtson, Lindsay Lydon, and Jeffrey D. Ainley


Causes for soft flesh in giant grenadier (albatrossia pectoralis) fillets, Charles Crapo, Brian Himelbloom, Robert Pfutzenreuter, and Chong Lee


Texture modification processes for giant grenadier (albatrossia pectoralis) fillets, Charles Crapo, Brian Himelbloom, Robert Pfutzenreuter, and Chong Lee


Physiological response of scup, stenotomus chrysops, to a simulated trawl capture and escape event, Joseph T. Dealteris and Kenneth J. La Valley


Partitioning of fish and diet selection as methods for the reduction of cannibalism in Paralichthys dentatus larviculture, A. Ward Francis and David A. Bengtson


Evaluation of eukaryotic promoters for the construction of DNA vaccines for aquaculture, Marta Gómez-Chiarri and Laurie A. Chiaverini


Effects of photoperiod and temperature on the regulation of the onset of maturation in the estuarine fish Menidia beryllina (Cope) (Atherinidae), Marina Huber and David A. Bengtson


Interspecific differences in growth of somatic and reproductive tissues during the breeding season in Menidia menidia and M. beryllina, M. Huber and D. A. Bengtson


Production of seafood flavor from red hake (Urophycis chuss) by enzymatic hydrolysis, J. Y. Imm and C. M. Lee


Uptake of dissolved free amino acids by northern quahogs, Mercenaria mercenaria and its relative importance to organic nitrogen deposition in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, Michael A. Rice


Hsp70 and a 54 kDa protein (Osp54) are induced in salmon (Salmo salar) in response to hyperosmotic stress, Todd R. Smith, George C. Tremblay, and Terence M. Bradley


Characterization of the heat shock protein response of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), T. R. Smith, G. C. Tremblay, and T. M. Bradley


Infectious Necrotizing Enteritis and Mortality Caused by Vibrio carachariae in Summer Flounder Paralichthys dentatus During Intensive Culture, Bruno Soffientino, Todd Gwaltney, David R. Nelson, Jennifer L. Specker, Michael Mauel, and Marta Gomez-Chiarri


Metamorphosis in summer flounder: Effects of acclimation to low and high salinities, Jennifer L. Specker, Alex M. Schreiber, Meg E. McArdle, Ariel Poholek, Jessica Henderson, and David A. Bengtson


Storage conditions for serum deslorelin, L. Underhill, Richard C. Rhodes, and C. T. Rhodes

Submissions from 1998


Effects of rotifer and Artemia fatty-acid enrichment on survival, growth and pigmentation of summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus larvae, Edward P. Baker, David Alves, and David A. Bengtson


Thermal shock of salmon in vivo induces the heat shock protein hsp 70 and confers protection against osmotic shock, Sarah F. Dubeau, Feng Pan, George C. Tremblay, and Terence M. Bradley


Effect of triiodothyronine on stomach formation and pigmentation in larval striped bass (Morone saxatilis), Liyue Huang, Satoshi Miwa, David A. Bengtson, and Jennifer L. Specker


Metamorphosis of summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus): Thyroid status and the timing of gastric gland formation, Liyue Huang, Alex M. Schreiber, Bruno Soffientino, David A. Bengtson, and Jennifer L. Specker


Intestinal uptake of lipovitellin from brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) by larval inland silversides (Menidia beryllina) and striped bass (Morone saxatilis), Mitsuyo Kishida, Karla M. Johanning, David A. Bengtson, and Jennifer L. Specker

The U.S. market for marine nutraceutical products, Maryellen Molyneaux and Chong M. Lee

Submissions from 1997


Statistical Classification of Seafood Quality, P. Christopher Ellis, Mary Lou Silva, and Chong M. Lee


Evaluation of the effects of dioxin and PCBs on Fundulus heteroclitus populations using a modeling approach, Wayne R. Munns, Dianne E. Black, Timothy R. Gleason, Karen Salomon, David Bengtson, and Ruth Gutjahr-Gobell

Submissions from 1996

Effect of dietary ascorbic acid vitamin supplements on growth and survival of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, and inland silverside, Menidia beryllina, larvae, Muhammad Ashraf, Kenneth L. Simpson, David A. Bengtson, Rick Barrows, and Paul D. Maugle

Effect of size selection within and between fishing gear types on the yield and spawning stock biomass per recruit and yield per unit effort for a cohort of an idealized groundfish, Joseph DeAlteris


Seabed platform for long-term monitoring in the littoral environment, Joseph DeAlteris, Harold Vincent, Richard Kaiser, and Jessica DeAlteris


Growth, survival and size-selective predation mortality of larval and juvenile inland silversides, Menidia beryllina (Pisces; Atherinidae), Timothy R. Gleason and David A. Bengtson


Size-selective mortality of inland silversides: Evidence from otolith microstructure, Timothy R. Gleason and David A. Bengtson


Introduction of Foreign Genes into the Tissue of Live Fish by Direct Injection and Particle Bombardment, Marta Gomez-Chiarri, Sandra K. Livingston, Carlos Muro-Cacho, Sunny Sanders, and Robert Paul Levine


Effect of triiodothyronine on the growth and survival of larval striped bass (Marone saxatilis), Liyue Huang, Jennifer L. Specker, and David A. Bengtson


Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed L-carnitine exhibit altered intermediary metabolism and reduced tissue lipid, but no change in growth rate, Hong Ji, Terence M. Bradley, and George C. Tremblay


Lactate-dependent gluconeogenesis and atractyloside-sensitive flux through pyruvate carboxylase are reduced during smoltification of atlantic salmon (Salmo solar), Hong Ji, Terence M. Bradley, and George C. Tremblay


A Simple and Rapid Solvent Extraction Method for Determining Total Lipids in Fish Tissue, Chong M. Lee, Belzahet Trevino, and Mayuree Chaiyawat


Food-limited growth and condition index in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin 1791), and the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians (Lamarck 1819), Robert B. Rheault and Michael A. Rice


PCB and heavy metal residues in livers and muscles of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) from Rhode Island waters, J. L. Wang, T. C. Lee, R. E. Wolke, and S. B. Saila