Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Psychology faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2003


An Illustration of a Longitudinal Cross-Lagged Design for Larger Structural Equation Models, Gary J. Burkholder and Lisa L. Harlow


Subclinical prenatal iodine deficiency negatively affects infant development in Northern China, Naseem Choudhury and Kathleen S. Gorman


Holistic thinking is not the whole story: Alternative or adjunct approaches for increasing the accuracy of legal evaluations, David Faust


Developing a stage of change measure for assessing recovery from anorexia nervosa, Patricia J. Jordan, Colleen A. Redding, Nicholas A. Troop, Janet Treasure, and Lucy Serpell


Psychologists and the Disruption of Classism, Bernice Lott


Recognizing and Welcoming the Standpoint of Low-income Parents in the Public Schools, Bernice Lott


Violence in low-income neighborhoods in the United States: Do we care?, Bernice Lott


Rethinking positive and negative aspects of alcohol use: Suggestions from a comparison of alcohol expectancies and decisional balance, Seth M. Noar, Robert G. Laforge, Jason E. Maddock, and Mark D. Wood


The comparative efficacy of imputation methods for missing data in structural equation modeling, Alan Olinsky, Shaw Chen, and Lisa Harlow


Assessing the transtheoretical model of change constructs for physicians counseling smokers, Elyse R. Park, Judith D. DePue, Michael G. Goldstein, Raymond Niaura, Lisa L. Harlow, Cynthia Willey, William Rakowski, and Alexander V. Prokhorov

Treating entire populations for behavior risks for chronic diseases, James O. Prochaska


Community-level collaboration for substance abuse prevention, John F. Stevenson and Roger E. Mitchell


The Effects of Psychosocial Risk and Gender on School Attainment in Guatemala, Adrienne Y. Stith, Kathleen S. Gorman, and Naseem Choudhury


Community Interventions and Effective Prevention, Abraham Wandersman and Paul Florin


Beach programme may improve skin cancer prevention, M. A. Weinstock, J. S. Rossi, C. A. Redding, J. E. Maddock, Karen Glanz, Esther Azizi, and Orna Baron-Epel

Submissions from 2002


Using Meta‐Scientific Studies to Clarify or Resolve Questions in the Philosophy and History of Science, David Faust and Paul E. Meehl


Evaluating attitudes, skill, and performance in a learning-enhanced quantitative methods course: A structural modeling approach, Lisa L. Harlow, Gary J. Burkholder, and Jennifer A. Morrow


Does the transtheoretical model need an attitude adjustment? Integrating attitude with decisional balance as predictors of stage of change for exercise, Patricia J. Jordan, Claudio R. Nigg, Gregory J. Norman, Joseph S. Rossi, and Sonya V. Benisovich


Challenges to improving the impact of worksite cancer prevention programs: Comparing reach, enrollment, and attrition using active versus passive recruitment strategies, Laura A. Linnan, Karen M. Emmons, Neil Klar, Joseph L. Fava, Robert G. LaForge, and David B. Abrams


Cognitive and behavioral distancing from the poor, Bernice Lott


The influence of ethnicity, social class, and context on judgments about U.S. women, Bernice Lott and Susan Saxon


The impact of the basic skin cancer triage curriculum on providers' skills, confidence, and knowledge in skin cancer control, Radha Mikkilineni, Martin A. Weinstock, Michael G. Goldstein, Catherine E. Dube, and Joseph S. Rossi


Supporting community-based prevention and health promotion initiatives: Developing effective technical assistance systems, Roger E. Mitchell, Paul Florin, and John F. Stevenson


Condom negotiation in heterosexually active men and women: Development and validation of a condom influence strategy questionnaire, Seth M. Noar, Patricia J. Morokoff, and Lisa L. Harlow


Sexual assertiveness in heterosexually active men: A test of three samples, Seth M. Noar, Patricia J. Morokoff, and Colleen A. Redding


The Face of 2010: A Delphi Poll on the Future of Psychotherapy, John C. Norcross, Melissa Hedges, and James O. Prochaska


Characteristics of smoking in low-income pregnant latina and white women, Ivory Roberts-Clarke, Patricia Morokoff, Cynthia Bane, and Laurie Ruggiero


Identifying critical cross-cultural school psychology competencies, Margaret R. Rogers and Emilia C. Lopez


Toward a Common Terminology for Talking about Speech and Reading: A Glossary of the “Phon” Words and Some Related Terms, Hollie S. Scarborough and Susan A. Brady


Correlates of adjustment among cancer survivors, Robert A. Schnoll, James C. Knowles, and Lisa Harlow


Randomized controlled community trial of the efficacy of a multicomponent stage-matched intervention to increase sun protection among beachgoers, Martin A. Weinstock, Joseph S. Rossi, Colleen A. Redding, and Jason E. Maddock

Submissions from 2001


A re-examination of the rate of vocational dysfunction among patients with anosmia and mild to moderate closed head injury, Stephen Correia, David Faust, and Richard L. Doty


Differential patterns of development: The interaction of birth weight, temperament, and maternal behavior, K. S. Gorman, A. E. Lourie, and N. Choudhury


Organizational Stages and Processes of Change for Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care, Deborah A. Levesque, Janice M. Prochaska, James O. Prochaska, Stephen R. Dewart, Leigh S. Hamby, and William B. Weeks


Conceptualizing cross-cultural school psychology competencies, Emilia C. Lopez and Margaret R. Rogers


Low-income parents and the public schools, B. Lott


Relation of ethnicity and age to women's responses to personal experiences of sexist discrimination in the united states, Bernice Lott, Karen Asquith, and Theresa Doyon


The College Alcohol Problems Scale, Jason E. Maddock, Robert G. Laforge, Joseph S. Rossi, and Thomas O'Hare


Statistical power of articles published in three health psychology-related journals, Jason E. Maddock and Joseph S. Rossi


Worksite interventions: A methodological exploration and pilot study promoting behavior change, Susan D. Mcmahon, Caroline King, Bill Mautz, Leonard A. Jason, Joseph S. Rossi, and Colleen A. Redding


Impact of the basic skin cancer triage curriculum on providers' skin cancer control practices, Radha Mikkilineni, Martin A. Weinstock, Michael G. Goldstein, Catherine E. Dube, and Joseph S. Rossi


Correlates of early reading performance in a transparent orthography, Kurt Müller and Susan Brady


Examining the structure of physical self-description using an american university sample, Claudio R. Nigg, Gregory J. Norman, Joseph S. Rossi, and Sonya V. Benisovich


An examination of transtheoretical predictors of condom use in late-adolescent heterosexual men, Seth M. Noar, Patricia J. Morokoff, and Colleen A. Redding


Stage of change, decisional balance, and temptations for smoking: Measurement and validation in a large, school-based population of adolescents, Brett A. Plummer, Wayne F. Velicer, Colleen A. Redding, James O. Prochaska, Joseph S. Rossi, Unto E. Pallonen, and Kathryn S. Meier

Treating entire populations for behavior risks for cancer, James O. Prochaska


Counselor and stimulus control enhancements of a stage-matched expert system intervention for smokers in a managed care setting, James O. Prochaska, Wayne F. Velicer, Joseph L. Fava, Laurie Ruggiero, Robert G. Laforge, Joseph S. Rossi, Sara S. Johnson, and Patricia A. Lee


A transtheoretical approach to changing organizations, Janice M. Prochaska, James O. Prochaska, and Deborah A. Levesque


Evaluating a population-based recruitment approach and a stage-based expert system intervention for smoking cessation, J. O. Prochaska, W. F. Velicer, J. L. Fava, J. S. Rossi, and J. Y. Tsoh


Bridging the gap between alcoholism treatment research and practice: Identifying what works and why, Jennifer P. Read, Christopher W. Kahler, and John F. Stevenson


Assessing family members' motivational readiness and decision making for consenting to cadaveric organ donation, Mark L. Robbins, Deborah A. Levesque, Colleen A. Redding, Janet L. Johnson, James O. Prochaska, Michael S. Rohr, and Thomas G. Peters


Applying the transtheoretical model to regular moderate exercise in an overweight population: Validation of a stages of change measure, Julie A. Sarkin, Sara S. Johnson, James O. Prochaska, and Janice M. Prochaska


Using Disease-Related and Demographic Variables to Form Cancer-Distress Risk Groups, Robert A. Schnoll and Lisa L. Harlow


Social influence processes and college student drinking: The mediational role of alcohol outcome expectancies, M. D. Wood, J. P. Read, T. P. Palfai, and J. F. Stevenson

Submissions from 2000


Test Security: Official position statement of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, B. Axelrod, R. Heilbronner, J. Barth, G. Larrabee, D. Faust, N. Pliskin, J. Fisher, and C. Silver


Presence of third party observers during neuropsychological testing: Official statement of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Bradley Axelrod, Jeffrey Barth, David Faust, Jerid Fisher, Robert Heilbronner, Glenn Larrabee, Neil Pliskin, and Cheryl Silver


The use of neuropsychology test technicians in clinical practice: Official statement of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Bradley Axelrod, Robert Heilbronner, Jeffrey Barth, Glenn Larrabee, David Faust, Neil Pliskin, Jerid Fisher, and Cheryl Silver

Acceptability of a stage-matched expert system intervention to increase condom use among women at high risk of HIV infection in New York City, Pamela Brown-Peterside, Colleen A. Redding, Leigh Ren, and Beryl A. Koblin


Student functioning, concerns, and socio-personal well-being, William B. Disch, Lisa L. Harlow, James F. Campbell, and Thomas R. Dougan


Health risk reduction and functional restoration following coronary revascularization: A prospective investigation using dynamic stage typology clustering, Terence E. Fitzgerald, James O. Prochaska, and Glenn S. Pransky


Predicting intermediate outcomes for prevention coalitions: A developmental perspective, Paul Florin, Roger Mitchell, John Stevenson, and Ilene Klein


Understanding the adoption of arthritis self-management: Stages of change profiles among arthritis patients, Francis J. Keefe, John C. Lefebvre, Robert D. Kerns, Roberta Rosenberg, Pat Beaupre, Judith Prochaska, James O. Prochaska, and David S. Caldwell


Short form of a situational temptation scale for heavy, episodic drinking, Jason E. Maddock, Robert G. Laforge, and Joseph S. Rossi


Factors that influence personal perceptions of the risk of an acute myocardial infarction, Hendrika Meischke, Deborah E. Sellers, Mark L. Robbins, David C. Goff, Mohamud R. Daya, Angela Meshack, Judy Taylor, Jane Zapka, and Mary McDonald Hand


Demographics and the Cost of Pharmaceuticals in a Private Third-Party Prescription Program, Soyal R. Momin, E. Paul Larrat, David P. Lipson, Rita M. Marcoux, and Lisa L. Harlow


Cluster subtypes within stage of change in a representative sample of smokers, Gregory J. Norman, Wayne F. Velicer, Joseph L. Fava, and James O. Prochaska


Stages of change model for smoking prevention and cessation in schools, James O. Prochaska, Paul Aveyard, K. K. Cheng, and Terry Lawrence


Alternative pragmatic bases for judging models, J. O. Prochaska


Sexual communication in relationships: When words speak louder than actions, Kathryn Quina, Lisa L. Harlow, Patricia J. Morokoff, Gary Burkholder, and Pamela J. Deiter

Examining the Cultural Context of Consultation, Margaret R. Rogers


Comparison of time and error rates on the trail making test among patients with head injuries, experimental malingerers, patients with suspect effort on testing, and normal controls, Louis F. Ruffolo, Thomas J. Guilmette, and W. Grant Willis


Spirituality, demographic and disease factors, and adjustment to cancer, Robert A. Schnoll, Lisa L. Harlow, and Lisa Brower

Using the transtheoretical model for population-based approaches to health promotion and disease prevention, Wayne F. Velicer, James O. Prochaska, Joseph L. Fava, Joseph S. Rossi, Colleen A. Redding, Robert G. Laforge, and Mark L. Robbins


Sun protection behaviors and stages of change for the primary prevention of skin cancers among beachgoers in Southeastern New England, Martin A. Weinstock, Joseph S. Rossi, Colleen A. Redding, Jason E. Maddock, and Sara D. Cottrill


Stages of change for adherence with medication regimens for chronic disease: Development and validation of a measure, Cynthia Willey, Colleen Redding, Julie Stafford, Frances Garfield, Sandra Geletko, Timothy Flanigan, Kathleen Melbourne, Jennifer Mitty, and J. Jaime Caro

Submissions from 1999


Development of a pregnancy-tailored decisional balance measure for smoking cessation, Cynthia M. Bane, Laurie Ruggiero, Janet M. Dryfoos, and Joseph S. Rossi


Stage of change, low income and benefit status: A profile of women's smoking in early pregnancy, Liz Batten, Hilary Graham, Sue High, Laurie Ruggiero, and Joseph Rossi


Effects of the label 'schizophrenia' on causal attributions of violence, Charles M. Boisvert and David Faust


Predicting termination and continuation status in psychotherapy using the transtheoretical model, Mary M. Brogan, James O. Prochaska, and Janice M. Prochaska

Social stigma, HIV/AIDS knowledge, and sexual risk, Gary J. Burkholder, Lisa L. Harlow, and Jacque Lynne Washkwich


Social stigma, HIV/AIDS knowledge, and sexual risk, Gary J. Burkholder, Lisa L. Harlow, and Jacque Lynne Washkwich


Stages of change and the intake of dietary fat in African-American women: Improving stage assignment using the Eating Styles Questionnaire, Margaret K. Hargreaves, David G. Schlundt, Maciej S. Buchowski, Robert E. Hardy, Susan R. Rossi, and Joseph S. Rossi


Psycho-existential distress and problem behaviors: Gender, subsample, and longitudinal tests, Lisa L. Harlow, Kimberly J. Mitchell, Sherri N. Fitts, and Susan E. Saxon


Stages of condom use in a high HIV-risk sample, Lisa L. Harlow, James O. Prochaska, Colleen A. Redding, Joseph S. Rossi, Wayne F. Velicer, Matthew G. Snow, Daniel Schnell, Christine Galavotti, Kevin O'Reilly, Fen Rhodes, Nancy H. Corby, Richard Wolitski, David Cohn, C. J. Martindale, Keith Yamaguchi, Carolyn Beeker, Donna Higgins, Linda Kay, Martin Fishbein, Niel Tashima, Kathleen Crain, Joan Cleary, Alena Atchinson, Lynda Ames, Tome Rose, Susan Tross, Abu Abdul Quadar, Alfred McAlister, and Lea Vonne Pulley


Sense of community in neighborhoods as a multi-level construct, Sharon Kingston, Roger Mitchell, Paul Florin, and John Stevenson


Stage of regular exercise and health-related quality of life, Robert G. Laforge, Joseph S. Rossi, James O. Prochaska, Wayne F. Velicer, Deborah A. Levesque, and Colleen A. McHorney


Stage distributions for five health behaviors in the United States and Australia, Robert G. Laforge, Wayne F. Velicer, Robyn L. Richmond, and Neville Owen


Stages of Change and Integrated Service Delivery, Deborah A. Levesque, Janice M. Prochaska, and James O. Prochaska


Comments on “understanding graduate women's reentry experiences”, Bernice Lott


Decisional balance for immoderate drinking in college students, Jeffrey P. Migneault, Wayne F. Velicer, James O. Prochaska, and John F. Stevenson


Stages of change across ten health risk behaviors for older adults, Claudio R. Nigg, Patricia M. Burbank, Cindy Padula, Robert Dufresne, Joseph S. Rossi, Wayne F. Velicer, Robert G. Laforge, and James O. Prochaska


Why don't continents move? Why don't people change?, James O. Prochaska and Janice M. Prochaska


Focusing on participants: Feminist Process Model for Survey Modification, Kathryn Quina, Jennifer S. Rose, Lisa L. Harlow, Patricia J. Morokoff, Pamela J. Deiter, Laura E. Whitmire, Michelle A. Lang, and Robert A. Schnoll


REACT theory-based intervention to reduce treatment-seeking delay for acute myocardial infarction, James M. Raczynski, John R. Finnegan, Jane G. Zapka, Hendricka Meischke, Angela Meshack, Elaine J. Stone, Neil Bracht, Deborah E. Sellers, Mohamud Daya, Mark Robbins, Alfred McAlister, and Denise Simons-Morton


Testing a model of situational self-efficacy for safer sex among college students: Stage of change and gender-based differences, Colleen A. Redding and Joseph S. Rossi


Medication adherence and the transplant recipient: Helping patients at each stage of change, M. L. Robbins


Smoking and diabetes: Readiness for change and provider advice, Laurie Ruggiero, Joseph S. Rossi, James O. Prochaska, Russell E. Glasgow, Mary De Groot, Janet M. Dryfoos, Gabrielle R. Reed, C. Tracy Orleans, Alexander V. Prokhorov, and Kim Kelly


How effective is tailored print communication?, Celette Sugg Skinner, Marci K. Campbell, Barbara K. Rimer, Susan Curry, and James O. Prochaska


Testing 40 predictions from the transtheoretical model, Wayne F. Velicer, Gregory J. Norman, Joseph L. Fava, and James O. Prochaska


An expert system intervention for smoking cessation, Wayne F. Velicer and James O. Prochaska