Stages of Change and Integrated Service Delivery

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Date of Original Version



In the past 20 years, the transtheoretical model of change (i.e., the stage model) has arisen as one of the leading integrative approaches to individual behavior change. The case study presented here describes the application of the transtheoretical model to organizational change. Measures of core constructs of the model-stages of change and decisional balance-were developed to assess a university's readiness for integrated service delivery and to guide the development of a stage-matched change management program that could minimize resistance and maximize the likelihood of successful change. Thirty-one university staff and administrators completed an assessment containing the stage and decisional balance measures as well as measures of behaviors representing the goals of integrated service delivery. Data provide preliminary evidence of the applicability of the model to integrated service delivery. For example, stage of change displayed characteristic relationships to behavior and the pros and cons of integrated service delivery. On the basis of the pattern of findings, a stage-matched change management program was developed, tailored to the organization's readiness to change. © 1999 Educational Publishing Foundation and the Division of Consulting Psychology.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Consulting Psychology Journal




