Explore scholarly publications from the College of Nursing faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2015


Fluctuation between Powerlessness and Sense of Meaning - A Qualitative Study of Health Care Professionals’ Experiences of Providing Health Care to Older Adults with Long-Term Musculoskeletal Pain, Mia Berglund, Kristina Nässén, and Catharina Gillsjö


The Impact of a Mindfulness Based Program on Perceived Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Sleep of Incarcerated Women, Ginette G. Ferszt, Robin J. Miller, Joyce E. Hickey, Fleet Maull, and Kate Crisp


Between a rock and a hard place: Conflict minerals and professional integrity, Kate Jelinek


The auditing profession: Accounting for some things, Kate Jelinek


Binge Eating Among Racial Minority Groups in the United States: An Integrative Review, Karen M. Jennings, Susan Kelly-Weeder, and Barbara E. Wolfe


Assessment of Food Intake, Obesity, and Health Risk Among the Homeless in Rhode Island, Diane C. Martins, Kathleen S. Gorman, Robin J. Miller, Leah Murphy, Sekboppa Sor, Jonah C. Martins, and Maria L. Vecchiarelli


Placental Transfusion Improves Iron Stores at 6 Weeks of Age in Late Preterm Infants, Judith S. Mercer and Debra A. Erickson-Owens


Editorial, Judith S. Mercer, Debra A. Erickson-Owens, Siddarth Ramji, Sunil Gomber, and Pooja Dewan


Long-term follow-up of placental transfusion in full-term infants, Heike Rabe, Debra A. Erickson-Owens, and Judith S. Mercer


Interprofessional collaboration and education, Mary Sullivan, Richard D. Kiovsky, Diana J. Mason, Cordelia D. Hill, and Carissa Dukes


Weighing the Facts: A Systematic Review of Expected Patterns of Weight Loss in Full-Term, Breastfed Infants, Diane Thulier

Submissions from 2014


Placental transfusion strategies in very preterm neonates: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Carl H. Backes, Brian K. Rivera, Urbee Haque, Jeffrey A. Bridge, Charles V. Smith, David J.R. Hutchon, and Judith S. Mercer


Effects of placental transfusion in extremely low birthweight infants: Meta-analysis of long- and short-term outcomes, Sarvin Ghavam, Dushyant Batra, Judith Mercer, Amir Kugelman, Shigeharu Hosono, William Oh, Heike Rabe, and Haresh Kirpalani


Reflective STRENGTH-Giving Dialogue Developed to Support Older Adults in Learning to Live with Long-Term Pain: A Method and a Study Design, Catharina Gillsjö and M. Berglund


Single-Family room care and neurobehavioral and medical outcomes in preterm infants, Barry M. Lester, Katheleen Hawes, Beau Abar, Mary Sullivan, Robin Miller, Rosemarie Bigsby, Abbot Laptook, Amy Salisbury, Marybeth Taub, Linda L. Lagasse, and James F. Padbury


Editorial, J. Mercer


Editorial for August 2014, J. Mercer


Is It Time to Rethink Cord Management When Resuscitation Is Needed?, Judith S. Mercer and Debra A. Erickson-Owens

Submissions from 2013


Feeding and eating disorders in DSM-5, Evelyn Attia, Anne E. Becker, Rachel Bryant-Waugh, Hans W. Hoek, Richard E. Kreipe, Marsha D. Marcus, James E. Mitchell, Ruth H. Striegel, B. Timothy Walsh, G. Terence Wilson, Barbara E. Wolfe, and Stephen Wonderlich


Nurse researchers in corrections: A qualitative study, Ginette G. Ferszt and Joyce Hickey


Advocating for pregnant women in prison: The role of the correctional nurse, Ginette G. Ferszt, Joyce E. Hickey, and Kimberly Seleyman


Learning to Endure Long-Term Musculoskeletal Pain in Daily Life at Home: A Qualitative Interview Study of the Older Adult’s Experience, Catharina Gillsjö, Donna Schwartz-Barcott, and Ingrid Bergh

The moral cascade: Distress, eustress, and the virtuous organization, Betty Rambur, Carol Vallett, Judith Ann Cohen, and Jill Tarule


Metric-driven harm: An exploration of unintended consequences of performance measurement, Betty Rambur, Carol Vallett, Judith A. Cohen, and Jill Mattuck Tarule


Multiple environmental chemical exposures to lead, mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls among childbearing-aged women (NHANES 1999–2004): Body burden and risk factors, Marcella Remer Thompson and Kim Boekelheide

Submissions from 2012


Caring for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transsexual Parents and their Children, Gary J Burkholder and Pat Burbank


Role Responsibilities of Full-Time Faculty in a Pre-Licensure Nursing Program, Joan R. Dugas


Umbilical cord milking in term infants delivered by cesarean section: A randomized controlled trial, D. A. Erickson-Owens, J. S. Mercer, and W. Oh


Health care of pregnant women in U.S. state prisons, Ginette G. Ferszt and Jennifer G. Clarke


Deviance at RKGA LLP, Kate Jelinek


Gender differences in binge eating and behavioral correlates among college students, K. M. Jennings, B. E. Wolfe, and Susan Kelly-Weeder


Association of the 5-HTT Gene-Linked Promoter Region (5-HTTLPR) Polymorphism with Psychiatric Disorders: Review of Psychopathology and Pharmacotherapy, George A. Kenna, Nick Roder-Hanna, Lorenzo Leggio, William H. Zywiak, James Clifford, Steven Edwards, John A. Kenna, Jessica Shoaff, and Robert M. Swift


Rethinking Placental Transfusion and Cord Clamping Issues, Judith S. Mercer and Debra A. Erickson-Owens


Tai Chi for older nurses: A workplace wellness pilot study, Mary Val Palumbo, Ge Wu, Hollie Shaner-McRae, Betty Rambur, and Barbara McIntosh


Certified Nurse Practitioner Awareness of Regulatory Changes in Vermont, Terri L. Redmond, Mary Val Palumbo, and Betty A. Rambur


Hemodynamic effects of delayed cord clamping in premature infants, Ross Sommers, Barbara S. Stonestreet, William Oh, Abbot Laptook, Toby Debra Yanowitz, Christina Raker, and Judith Mercer


Refining Neurobehavioral Assessment of the High-Risk Infant Using the NICU Network Neurobehavioral Scale, Mary C. Sullivan, Robin J. Miller, Lynne Andreozzi Fontaine, and Barry Lester


17-year outcome of preterm infants with diverse neonatal morbidities: Part 2, impact on activities and participation, Mary C. Sullivan, Robin J. Miller, and Michael E. Msall


17-year outcome of preterm infants with diverse neonatal morbidities: Part 1-Impact on physical, neurological, and psychological health status, Mary C. Sullivan, Michael E. Msall, and Robin J. Miller


Characteristic Processes in Close Peer Friendships of Preterm Infants at Age 12, Mary C. Sullivan, Suzy Barcelos Winchester, Jeffrey G. Parker, and Amy K. Marks


Well-being dialogue: Elderly women's subjective sense of well-being from their course of life perspective, Ann-Marie Svensson, Lena B. Mårtensson, and Ulla H. Hellström Muhll


Education and employment characteristics of nurse preceptors, Mary Val Palumbo, Betty A. Rambur, and Susan A. Boyer


Manual and Electroacupuncture for Labour Pain: Study Design of a Longitudinal Randomized Controlled Trial, Linda Vixner, Lena B. Mårtensson, Eliabet Stener-Victorin, and Erica Schytt

Submissions from 2011


Comprehensive treatment of women with postpartum psychosis across health care systems from swedish psychiatrists' perspectives, Inger Engqvist, Arne Åhlin, Ginette Ferszt, and Kerstin Nilsson


Women's Experience of Postpartum Psychotic Episodes-Analyses of Narratives From the Internet, Inger Engqvist, Ginette Ferszt, Arne Åhlin, and Kerstin Nilsson


Who Will Speak for Me? Advocating for Pregnant Women in Prison, Ginette G. Ferszt


Navigating the challenges of prison research with women, Ginette G. Ferszt and Angelina Chambers


Home: The Place the Older Adult can not Imagine Living Without, Catharina Gillsjö, Donna Schwartz-Barcott, and Iréne von Post


Infant Neurobehavioral Development, Barry M. Lester, Robin J. Miller, Katheleen Hawes, Amy Salisbury, Rosemarie Bigsby, Mary C. Sullivan, and James F. Padbury


Impact of an Interdisciplinary Practice Laboratory on Pharmacy and Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Health Care Roles, Celia P. MacDonnell, Anita Jackson Derreza, Mary D. Lavin, Steven A. Cohen, and Lisa Cohen


Advanced practice registered nurse supply in a small state: Trends to inform policy, Mary Val Palumbo, Nancy Marth, and Betty Rambur


Extra young adults’ perception of an ideal career: Does gender matter?, Betty Rambur, Mary Val Palumbo, Barbara McIntosh, Judy Cohen, and Shelly Naud


Cardiopulmonary outcomes in young adults born prematurely with varying birth weights, M. C. Sullivan, P. A. Mitchell, R. J. Miller, S. B. Winchester, and J. W. Ziegler

Practical nurses' health and safety in nursing homes, Mary Val Palumbo, Vicki Mclaughlin, Barbara Mcintosh, and Betty Rambur

Submissions from 2010


Suicide assessment by psychiatric nurses: A phenomenographic study, John M. Aflague and Ginette G. Ferszt


Natural stem cell transplantation: interventions, nuances and ethics, Susan Bewely, Jose Luis Diaz-Rossello, and Judith S. Mercer


Using umbilical cord blood stem cells for myocardial infarction and stroke is ethically challenging, Susan Bewley and Judith Mercer


Injury Visits to Emergency Departments and Hospital Discharges in Rhode Island, 2005–2009: Focus on Falls, Pat Burbank and Edward F. Donnelly


Translating an evidence-based protocol for nurse-to-nurse shift handoffs, Marlene Dufault, Cathy E. Duquette, Jeanne Ehmann, Rose Hehl, Mary Lavin, Valerie Martin, Mary Ann Moore, Shirley Sargent, Patricia Stout, and Cynthia Willey


Nurses - psychiatrists' main collaborators when treating women with postpartum psychosis, I. Engqvist, A. Ahlin, G. Ferszt, and K. Nilsson


Swedish registered psychiatric nurses' descriptions of presence when caring for women with post-partum psychosis: An interview study, Inger Engqvist, Ginete Ferszt, and Kerstin Nilsson


Giving birth in shackles, Ginette Gosselin Ferszt


Physical and Mental Health-Related Correlates of Physical Function in Community Dwelling Older Adults: A Cross Sectional Study, Carol Ewing Garber, Pat Burbank, Mary L. Greaney, Deborah Riebe, Claudio R. Nigg, and Phillip G. Clark


From clear to complicated: Buying and selling accounting services post Sarbanes-Oxley, Ronald Jelinek and Kate Jelinek


An aging nursing workforce necessitates change, Barbara R. McIntosh, Mary Val Palumbo, and Betty A. Rambur


Evidence for Neonatal Transition and the First Hour of Life, Judith Mercer and Debra Erikson-Owens


Nuchal Cord Management and Nurse-Midwifery Practice, Judith S. Mercer, Rebecca L. Skovgaard, Joann Peareara-Eaves, and Tracey A. Bowman


Seven-month developmental outcomes of very low birth weight infants enrolled in a randomized controlled trial of delayed versus immediate cord clamping, Judith S. Mercer, Betty R. Vohr, Debra A. Erickson-Owens, James F. Padbury, and William Oh


Pathways of risk and resiliency after prematurity: Role of socioeconomic status, Michael E. Msall, Mary C. Sullivan, and Jennifer Park


Registered nurses' perceptions of health and safety related to their intention to leave., Mary Val Palumbo, Betty Rambur, Barbara McIntosh, and Shelly Naud


Enhancing end-of-life care with dignity: Characterizing hospice nursing in Romania, Julie Vosit-Steller, Patricia White, Anne Marie Barron, Diane Gerzevitz, and Allison Morse

Submissions from 2009


Delayed cord clamping: Advantages for infants, Margi Coggins and Judith Mercer


Psychiatric nurses' descriptions of women with postpartum psychosis and nurses' responsesan exploratory study in Sweden, Inger Engqvist, Ginette Ferszt, Arne Hlin, and Kerstin Nilsson


Telling the difference between grief and depression, Ginette G. Ferszt and Mary Leveillee


Houses of Healing: A Group Intervention for Grieving Women in Prison, Ginette G. Ferszt, Dawn Salgado, Susanne Defedele, and Mary Leveillee


Cross-cultural consultation on palliative care. The use of teleconferencing, Diane Gerzevitz, Ginette G. Ferszt, Julie Vosit-Steller, and Nicoletta Mitrea


The nonlinear relation between agency costs and managerial equity ownership: Evidence of decreasing benefits of increasing ownership, Kate Jelinek and Pamela S. Stuerke


Could early cord clamping harm neonatal stabilisation?, Judith Mercer and Susan Bewley


The midwifery view of shoulder dystocia, Judith S. Mercer and Debra A. Erickson-Owens


Cardiac asystole at birth: Is hypovolemic shock the cause?, Judith S. Mercer, Debra A. Erickson-Owens, and R. Skovgaard


The Effects of Perinatal Morbidity and Environmental Factors on Health Status of Preterm Children at Age 12, Robin June Miller, Mary C. Sullivan, Katheleen Hawes, and Amy Kerivan Marks


A home-based nurse-coached inspiratory muscle training intervention in heart failure, Cynthia A. Padula, Evelyn Yeaw, and Saurabh Mistry

Retaining an aging nurse workforce: Perceptions of human reource practices, Mary Val Palumbo, Barbara Mcintosh, Betty Rambur, and Shelly Naud


Variables associated with breastfeeding duration, Diane Thulier and Judith Mercer


Exploration of nurse practitioner practice with clients who are grieving, Patricia White and Ginette Ferszt


Academic, social, and behavioral outcomes at age 12 of infants born preterm, Suzy Barcelos Winchester, Mary C. Sullivan, Amy Kerivan Marks, Thomas Doyle, Jennifer DePalma, and Margaret M. McGrath


Academic, social, and behavioral outcomes at age 12 of infants born preterm, Suzy Barcelos Winchester, Mary C. Sullivan, Amy Kerivan Marks, Thomas Doyle, Jennifer DePalma, and Margaret M. McGrath

Submissions from 2008


Translating best practices in assessing capillary refill, Marlene Dufault, Barbara Davis, Dorothy Garman, Rose Hehl, Jeanne Henry, Mary Lavin, Joann Barnes-Mullaney, and Patricia Stout


Development of an educational/support group for pregnant women in prison., Ginette G. Ferszt and Debra A. Erickson-Owens


Auditors gone wild: The "other" problem in public accounting, Ronald Jelinek and Kate Jelinek


US Midwives' Knowledge and Use of Sterile Water Injections for Labor Pain, Lena Mårtensson, Maureen McSwiggin, and Judith S. Mercer


Sampling the sample., Barbara O'Brien and Ginette G. Ferszt


Developmental origins theory from prematurity to adult disease, Mary C. Sullivan, Katheleen Hawes, Suzy Barcelos Winchester, and Robin J. Miller


Growth Trajectories of Preterm Infants: Birth to 12 Years, Mary C. Sullivan, Margaret M. McGrath, Katheleen Hawes, and Barry M. Lester

Submissions from 2007


Thinking in clinical nursing practice: A study of critical care nurses' thinking applying the think-aloud, protocol analysis method, Kyung Ja Han, Hesook Suzie Kim, Mae Ja Kim, Kyung Ja Hong, Sungae Park, Soon Nyoung Yun, Misoon Song, Yoenyi Jung, Haewon Kim, Dong Oak Debbie Kim, Heejung Choi, and Kyungae Kim


Small state, big problem: Rhode Island nurse leaders take a second look at the state's shortage, Jeanette A. Matrone, Dayle Hunt Joseph, and Kathleen Gremel


Management of Nuchal Cord, Judith S. Mercer and Debra Erickson-Owens


Evidence-Based Practices for the Fetal to Newborn Transition, Judith S. Mercer, Debra A. Erickson-Owens, Barbara Graves, and Mary Mumford Haley


Inspiratory muscle training: integrative review of use in conditions other than COPD., Cynthia A. Padula and Evelyn Yeaw


The Patient Satisfaction Scale - An empirical investigation into the Finnish adaptation, Riitta Suhonen, Helena Leino-Kilpi, Maritta Välimäki, and Hesook Suzie Kim