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Heather Brunskell-Evans, Ph.D. is a social theorist whose special interest is the philosophy and politics of the gendered/sexed body. She has a special interest in the work of Michel Foucault and Andrea Dworkin. She is a trustee of FiLiA, a feminist charity where she is director of its Stop Violence against Women and Girls section. She was co-founder (2013) of Resist Porn Culture, a UK organization set up to challenge the pornography industry and the pornification of culture, originally linked to Culture Reframed, USA, and now under the auspices of FiLiA. She is the co-author and co-director of The Declaration of Women’s Sex-Based Rights (2019). She has published extensively in popular media. Her latest books include: (2016) The Sexualized Body and the Medical Authority of Pornography; (2018) Transgender Children and Young People: Born In Your Own Body; and (2019) Inventing Transgender Children. Her latest journal article is: (2019) The Medico-Legal ‘Making’ of ‘The Transgender Child. She is currently carrying out research on “the female body as political territory,” analyzing the relationship between pornography, prostitution, surrogacy, and transgenderism.

FiLiA means daughter. The members of FiLiA are the daughters of the women who came before us and we fight so that our daughters may be free. FiLiA mission is to contribute to the Women’s Liberation Movement by: building sisterhood and solidarity; amplifying the voices of women; and defending women’s human rights.


George Soros and Open Society Foundation are supporting the decriminalization of prostitution by funding organizations around the world to advocate for this legal change. Heather Brunskell-Evans (FiLiA podcasts, London) interviews Jody Raphael, Senior Research Fellow, Schiller DuCanto & Fleck Law Center, DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, Illinois, USA, about her research on this topic and discusses her article "Decriminalization of Prostitution: The Soros Effect."

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