Policies | Dignity: A Journal of Analysis of Exploitation and Violence | University of Rhode Island


Author Guidelines

Types of Submissions Accepted

We welcome articles that fall within the scope of the mission and aims for the journal. Only well written manuscripts that present significant findings, theoretical development or insightful first person narratives about the field will be accepted.

  • Research and Scholarly Articles: Findings of research studies; theoretical essays; discussion and analysis of laws, policy, and advocacy; evaluations of campaigns and services for victims.
  • Frontline Reports: Findings of research studies; theoretical essays; discussion and analysis of laws, policy, and advocacy; evaluations of campaigns and services for victims.
  • Book and Media Reviews: Reviews of books, films, online publications, and other forms of media.
  • Editorials: Opinions on topics related to sexual exploitation, violence, and slavery, healing and recovery, current political and social events, and changes in law and policies.
  • Literature Review Articles: Articles on the state of knowledge and direction of scholarship. (Contact the Editor to discuss this type of article before submitting.)

Manuscript Review Criteria

Research and Scholarly Articles

Significance to the field. Does this manuscript contribute meaningful new scholarship, information, or analyses to the areas of study covered in Dignity? Will it assist researchers, scholars, and practitioners to further understand and respond to these types of violence?

Research Question and Review of Literature. Does the author provide appropriate theoretical framework that builds on previous work? Does the author clearly state the research question?

Research Design and Methodology. Does the author identify the relevant factors that are described or analyzed in the article? Is the research design appropriate and properly applied? Are the methods and analyses presented with transparency?

Results and Interpretation. Does the author clearly present and explain the findings or results of the research or theoretical analysis? Do tables, graphs, and figures (if included) effectively present findings? Are alternative explanations considered and discussed? Are suggestions for future research or theory in this are included?

Quality of Writing. Is the writing clear and concise with proper grammar and punctuation? Is the article well-organized with a logical flow to the ideas? Is disciplinary jargon kept to a minimum with terms likely to be unknown to a general professional audience defined? Are all references, in text and in the reference section, properly formatted in the APA style?

The quality of the written manuscript is very important because the Dignity journal is a non-profit publication without a paid in-house staff to do proof-reading and editing. If the manuscript requires extensive editing, it will be returned to the author, who will have to seek his or her own editor to bring the manuscript up to a publishable standard.

Frontline Reports

Significance to the field. Does the first-person account of the author’s experiences or observations contribute 1) significant information or insight into the harm of sexual exploitation, violence and slavery; 2) a report on actions and interventions (individual or organized campaigns) against these forms of violence; or 3) an account of services provided; or 4) the community impact of an intervention?

Results and Interpretation. Has the author clearly described the experience, event, campaign or service? Has the author explained the significance of the experience, observation, campaign, or service? Has the author made any policy recommendations (if appropriate) based on these experiences or observations?

Quality of the Writing. Is the writing clear and concise with proper grammar and punctuation? Is the article well-organized with a logical flow?

Dignity is committed to publishing frontline reports written by practitioners and advocates who may have less experience in writing for publication. Although the journal is a non-profit publication without a paid in-house staff to do proof-reading and editing, there may be some editing support for first-time authors to bring the manuscript up to a publishable standard.

Book and Media Reviews

Significance to the field. Does the author focus on topics relevant to the mission and scope of Dignity? Does the author give a clear and concise description of the book, film or other type media? Does the author give a clear and concise evaluation of the book or film?

Quality of the Writing. Is the writing clear and concise with proper grammar and punctuation? Is the article well-organized with a logical flow to the ideas?

The quality of the written manuscript is very important because Dignity is a non-profit publication without a paid in-house staff to do proof-reading and editing. If the manuscript requires extensive editing, it will be returned to the author, who will have to seek his or her own editor to bring the manuscript up to a publishable standard.


If you wish to contribute an editorial to the Dignity journal, please contact the Editor.

Peer Review Policy

Reviewers for this journal are dedicated to providing meaningful, constructive feedback about the quality of manuscripts. The journal uses a double-blind peer review process, which means that the reviewer does not who the author of the manuscript is, and the identity of the reviewer is not revealed to the author.

Copyright for Articles Published in Dignity: A journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication. All articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative 3.0 License (CC BY-NC-ND). Authors retain copyright of their article and following publication are free to share the paper, post it online on a website or repository, or repurpose it, including for commercial purposes, without permission of this journal or Digital Commons, as long as they attribute first publication to the journal.

Readers can freely download, share, and place the articles on open websites, as long as the article is not edited or modified in any way, and full attribution is given to the author and this journal for first publication. Third-parties may not make any commercial use of the articles without the permission of the author who holds the copyright, and should contact the author, if they wish to do so.