"Imposed Femininity and Women's Mental Health" by Atefeh Batyari


Atefeh Batyari (abatyari@ut.ac.ir) holds a PhD in Criminology from the University of Tehran. She has studied vulnerable groups, especially women. The results of her studies have been published to Persian and English in various journals.you can see some of her works at https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4169-0565


The construction of feminine identity in Iran is deeply intertwined with the religious and political contexts surrounding the hijab. For Iranian women, the hijab serves as a significant femininity identifier that influences their body image and societal perception. The distinction between optional and mandatory hijab is crucial, as it leads to different outcomes in how femininity is expressed and perceived. When hijab is mandated, it creates a conflict between the official state culture and the popular culture of the people, resulting in a complex social dynamic. The ambivalence surrounding the hijab issue underscores the disparities between the Islamic Republic regime's stance on hijab and the diverse opinions of its citizens. The tension surrounding the hijab issue has become one of the significant social challenges in Iran, raising concerns about women's mental health. The ongoing dialogue surrounding the hijab in Iran serves as a critical lens through which to understand the complexities of Iranian women's identity in a rapidly changing world. By recognizing the diverse perspectives on the hijab, society can strive towards a more inclusive understanding of femininity that respects individual choices and promotes women's rights. This recognition is essential for fostering a more equitable society where women's identities are embraced rather than restricted by rigid norms.

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