The Center for the Humanities, in cooperation with the Gender and Women’s Studies Program and the Suffrage Centennial Committee, presented a yearlong program of virtual events throughout 2020-2021 to commemorate the centennial of the 19th Amendment.


Submissions from 2021


Getting Out the Vote, Justine Caldwell, Kate Coyne McCoy, and Stella Rouse


Felon Disenfranchisement and the History of Women’s Voting Rights, Pippa Holloway


The Queer History of the Suffrage Movement, Wendy Rouse


Historical Perspectives on Woman Suffrage: Rhode Island and Beyond, Elizabeth C. Stevens, Elisa Miller, and Emily Lynch

Submissions from 2020

Suffrage Memorabilia and the Merchandising of the Movement, Kenneth Florey

Current Trends in Voting Rights, Nellie Gorbea

How Black Women Broke Barriers, Won the Vote, and Insisted on Equality for All, Martha Jones

Suffrage and Sashes: American Pageantry and the Feminist Movement, Hilary Levey Friedman

Transnational Suffrage Activism in Postrevolutionary Mexico, Kathleen McIntyre