Submissions from 1997
Quantitative relationships between postlarval production and benthic recruitment in lobsters, Homarus americanus, Lewis S. Incze, Richard A. Wahle, and J. Stanley Cobb
Growth rates of planktonic and newly settled American lobsters Homarusamericanus, Mary-Jane James-Pirri and J. Stanley Cobb
Mycorrhizae and succession in plantings of beachgrass in sand dunes, R. E. Koske and J. N. Gemma
Mycorrhizal fungi associated with three species of turfgrass, R. E. Koske, J. N. Gemma, and N. Jackson
Evidence for Cholinergic Inhibitory and Serotonergic Excitatory Neuromuscular Transmission in the Heart of the Bivalve Mercenaria mercenaria, Kiyoaki Kuwasawa and Robert A. Hill
The starvation-stress response of Vibrio (Listonella) anguillarum, David R. Nelson, Yola Sadlowski, Mitsuru Eguchi, and Staffan Kjelleberg
A secreted factor induces cell expansion and formation of metaxylem-like tracheary elements in xylogenic suspension cultures of Zinnia, Alison W. Roberts, Shannon G. Donovan, and Candace H. Haigler
Predicting the winning or losing of symmetrical contests in the American lobster Homarus americanus (Milne-Edwards), C. Vye, J. S. Cobb, T. Bradley, J. Gabbay, A. Genizi, and I. Karplus
Isolation and Characterization of an Attenuated Strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa AC869, a 3,5-Dichlorobenzoate Degrader, Xin Zhou, Elizabeth George, Dara W. Frank, Maryjane Utley, Ian Gilmour, Karen A. Krogfelt, Larry D. Claxton, David C. Laux, and Paul S. Cohen
Submissions from 1996
Characterization of Champia parvula (Rhodophyta) tetraspore mucilage and rhizoids with histochemical stains and FITC-labelled lectins, Martha E. Apple, Marilyn M. Harlin, and Joanna H. Norris
Cortical actin filaments fragment and aggregate to form chloroplast-associated and free F-actin rings in mechanically isolated Zinnia mesophyll cells, Alexander O. Frost and Alison W. Roberts
Chemoreceptive control of feeding processes in hydra, W. Grosvenor, D. E. E. Rhoads, and G. Kass-Simon
Learning science by doing science, Frank Heppner
Effects of sea water on spore germination of a sand-dune-inhabiting arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, R. Koske, C. Bonin, J. Kelly, and C. Martinez
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Hawaiian sand dunes: Island of Kaua'i, R. E. Koske and J. N. Gemma
Role of Lipopolysaccharide in Colonization of the Mouse Intestine by Salmonella typhimurium Studied by In Situ Hybridization, Tine Rask Licht, Karen Angeliki Krogfelt, Paul S. Cohen, Lars Kongsbak Poulsen, John Urbance, and Søren Molin
Field validation of annular growth rings in the American eel, Anguilla rostrate, using tetracycline-marked otoliths, Kenneth Oliveira
The Escherichia coli K-12 gntP Gene Allows E. coli F-18 to Occupy a Distinct Nutritional Niche in the Streptomycin-Treated Mouse Large Intestine, Neal J. Sweeney, Per Klemm, Beth A. McCormick, Eva Moller-Nielsen, Maryjane Utley, Mark A. Schembri, David C. Laux, and Paul S. Cohen
Timing of Metamorphosis in a Freshwater Crustacean: Comparison with Anuran Models, Saran Twombly
Nodulin gene expression in effective root nodules of white sweetclover (Melilotus alba Desr.) and in ineffective nodules elicited by mutant strains of Rhizobium meliloti, Linda J. Utrup and Joanna Hanks Norris
The Auxin Transport Inhibitor N-(1-Naphthyl)phthalamic Acid Elicits Pseudonodules on Nonnodulating Mutants of White Sweetclover, C. Wu, R. Dickstein, A. J. Cary, and J. H. Norris
Manuscripts from 1995
Effects of delayed feeding on survival and growth of summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus larvae, Gustavo A. Bisbal and David A. Bengston
Nonlinear Demographic Dynamics: Mathematical Models, Statistical Methods, and Biological Experiments, Brian Dennis, Robert A. Desharnais, J. M. Cushing, and R. F. Costantino
Mycorrhizae in Hawaiian epiphytes, J. N. Gemma and R. E. Koske
Enhanced Fermentation of Mannitol and Release of Cytotoxin by Clostridium difficile in Alkaline Culture Media, Michael T. Kazamias and Jay F. Sperry
Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation of Hawaiin plants: A conservation technique for endangered tropical species, R. E. Koske and J. N. Gemma
Hemocytic Rickettsia-Like Organisms in Ticks: Serologic Reactivity with Antisera to Ehrlichiae and Detection of DNA of Agent of Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis by PCR, Louis A. Magnarelli, Kirby C. Stafford III, Thomas N. Mather, Min-Tsung Yeh, Kevin D. Horn, and J. Stephen Dumler
A genetic linkage map for the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms, Jinrui Shi, David G. Heckel, and Marian R. Goldsmith
Microtubule rearrangements accompanying dedifferentiation in mesophyll cultures of Zinnia elegans L., Kenneth S. Uhnak and Alison W. Roberts
Submissions from 1994
Early life history and recruitment processes of clawed lobsters, J. S. S. Cobb and R. A. Wahle
Isolation of Borrelia burgdorferi from Saliva of the Tick Vector, Ixodes scapularis, Curtis Ewing, Angelo Scorpio, David R. Nelson, and Thomas N. Mather
The DnaK homologue of the marine Vibrio sp. strain S14 binds to the unprocessed form of a carbon starvation‐specific periplasmic protein, Louise Holmquist, David R. Nelson, and Staffan Kjelleberg
Estimation of recent growth of field-caught postlarval American lobsters, Homarus americanus, from RNA:DNA ratios, M. A.R. Juinio and J. S. Cobb
Palisade mesophyll cell expansion during leaf development in Zinnia elegans (Asteraceae), B. W. Knight and A. W. Roberts
Gigaspora gigantea: parasitism of spores by fungi and actinomycetes, Pau Ju Lee and R. E. Koske
Gigaspora gigantea: seasonal abundance and ageing of spores in a sand dune, Pau Ju Lee and R. E. Koske
Cell expansion and tracheary element differentiation are regulated by extracellular pH in mesophyll cultures of Zinnia elegans L, Alison W. Roberts and Candace H. Haigler
Rapid growth of a deep-sea wood-boring bivalve, William L. Romey, Robert C. Bullock, and Joseph T. Dealteris
Subcellular localization and chaperone activities of Borrelia burgdorferi Hsp60 and Hsp70, Angelo Scorpio, Paul Johnson, Ann Laquerre, and David R. Nelson
Impacts of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) on the behavior of marine animals: an example using American lobsters, E. Spanier, J. S. Cobb, and M. Clancy
Submissions from 1993
Building capacity for integrated coastal management in developing countries, Brian R. Crawford, J. Cobb, and Abigail Friedman
A subtle defect underlies altered lamellar orientation in the Gr16 chorion mutant of Bombyx mori, Denise Gautreau, Sonya R. Zetlan, Grace Dane Mazur, and Marian R. Goldsmith
The induction of stress proteins in three marine Vibrio during carbon starvation, Louise Holmquist, Åsa Jouper-Jaan, Dieter Weichart, David R. Nelson, and Staffan Kjelleberg
Submissions from 1992
Partial Characterization and Detergent Solubilization of the Putative Glutathione Chemoreceptor from Hydra, Susan L. Bellis, Dennis E. Rhoads, and G. Kass-Simon
The effect of temperature and substratum on competition among three species of forest litter microfungi, Margaret M. Carreiro and R. E. Koske
Mycorrhizae in Hawaiian pteridophytes: occurrence and evolutionary significance, J. N. Gemma, R. E. Koske, and T. Flynn
Chemoreception in hydra: specific binding of glutathione to a membrane fraction, William Grosvenor, Susan L. Bellis, G. Kass-Simon, and Dennis E. Rhoads
Natural diet and feeding habits of the postlarval lobster Homarus americanus, Marie Antonette R. Juinio and J. Stanley Cobb
Changes in nucleic acids over the molt cycle in relation to food availability and temperature in Homarus americanus postlarvae, Marie Antonette R. Juinio, J. Stanley Cobb, Dave Bengtson, and Mimi Johnson
Mycorrhizal status of Gunnera petaloidea in Hawai'i, R. E. Koske, J. N. Gemma, and M. F. Doyle
Mycorrhizae in Hawaiian angiosperms: a survey with implications for the origin of the native flora, R. E. Koske, J. N. Gemma, and T. Flynn
Submissions from 1991
Chemoreception in Hydra vulgaris (attenuata): initial characterization of two distinct binding sites for l-glutamic acid, Susan L. Bellis, William Grosvenor, G. Kass-Simon, and Dennis E. Rhoads
Behavioral Analysis of the Escape Response in the Juvenile Lobster Homarus Americanus Over the Molt Cycle, S. I. Cromarty, J. Stanley Cobb, and Gabriele Kass-Simon
The spatial dispersion of spores of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a sand dune: microscale patterns associated with the root architecture of American beachgrass, C. F. Friese and R. E. Koske
Opine oxidoreductases in brachiopods, bryozoans, phoronids and molluscs, Carl S. Hammen and Robert C. Bullock
Effects of time of day, water temperature, and water velocity on swimming by postlarvae of the American lobster, Homarus americanus, P. Rooney and J. S. Cobb
Submissions from 1990
Mycorrhizae in recent volcanic substrates in Hawaii, J. N. Gemma and R. E. Koske
VA mycorrhizae in strand vegetation of Hawaii: evidence for long- distance codispersal of plants and fungi, R. E. Koske and J. N. Gemma
Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae in Hawaiian Ericales, R. E. Koske, J. N. Gemma, and L. Englander
Synaptic plasticity and humoral modulation of neuromuscular transmission in the lobster claw opener during the molt cycle, Mary L. Schwanke, J. Stanley Cobb, and Gabriele Kass-Simon
Nodulin gene expression and ENOD2 localization in effective, nitrogen-fixing and ineffective, bacteria-free nodules of alfalfa, Clemens Van De Wiel, Joanna H. Norris, Birgit Bochenek, Rebecca Dickstem, Ton Bisseling, and Ann M. Hirsch
Submissions from 1989
Speed and direction of swimming by postlarvae of the american lobster, J. S. Cobb, D. Wang, D. B. Campbell, and P. Rooney
HPLC analysis of lobster haemolymph over the molt cycle, D. A. Fadool, P. R. Brown, J. S. Cobb, and G. Kass-Simon
Field inoculation of American beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) with V-A mycorrhizal fungi, J. N. Gemma and R. E. Koske
Seasonal dynamics of selected species of V-A mycorrhizal fungi in a sand dune, J. N. Gemma, R. E. Koske, and M. Carreiro
Organization and developmental timing of the Bombyx mori chorion gene clusters in strain C108, Marian R. Goldsmith
Recombinant baculoviruses as vectors for identifying proteins encoded by intron-containing members of complex multigene families, Kostas Iatrou, Roy G. Meidinger, and Marian R. Goldsmith
A modified procedure for staining roots to detect VA mycorrhizas, R. E. Koske and J. N. Gemma
Observations on ‘sporocarps’ of the VA mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus litchii, R. E. Koske, J. N. Gemma, and W. Mueller
Mycorrhizal associations of selected plant species from San Miguel Island, Channel Islands National Park, California, R. E. Koske and W. L. Halvorson
Submissions from 1988
Liquid chromatographic procedures for the analysis of compounds in the serotonergic and octoptamine pathways of lobster hemolymph, Debra Ann Fadool, J. J. Cobb, Gabrielle Kass-Simon, and Phyllis R. Brown
Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae of some Hawaiian dune plants, R. E. Koske
Serologic analyses of Peromyscus leucopus, a rodent reservoir for Borrelia burgdorferi, in northeastern United States, Louis A. Magnarelli, John F. Anderson, Kerwin E. Hyland, Durland Fish, and Jay B. McAninch
Complete Amino Acid Sequences of a Pair of Fish (Tilapia) Prolactins, tPRL177 and tPRL188, Kazuo Yamaguchi, Jennifer L. Specker, David S. King, Yoshiharu Yokoo, Richard S. Nishioka, Tetsuya Hirano, and Howard A. Bern
Submissions from 1987
Use of avoidance responses to keep spider crabs out of traps for american lobsters, R. Anne Richards and J. Stanley Cobb
Modulation of Output from an Isolated Gastropod Heart: Effects of Acetylcholine and FMRFamide, P. J. Smith and R. B. Hill
Submissions from 1986
Specific protein synthesis in cellular differentiation. VI. Temporal expression of chorion gene families in Bombyx mori strain C108, Susan C. Bock, Karlene Campo, and Marian R. Goldsmith
Growth of some wood and litter-decay basidiomycetes at reduced water potential., R. E. Koske and B. Tessier
Competition for shelter between lobsters ( Homarus americanus) and Jonah crabs ( Cancer borealis): effects of relative size., R. A. Richards and J. S. Cobb
Submissions from 1985
Can origin of fungal colonies on dilution and soil plates be determined using nonanoic acid?, M. M. Carreiro and R. E. Koske
Phototrophic and apochlorotic components of picoplankton and nanoplankton in the North Atlantic: geographic, vertical, seasonal and diel distributions, Paul G. Davis, David A. Caron, Paul W. Johnson, and John McN. Sieburth
Leg Thrust Important in Flight Take-Off in the Pigeon, Frank H. Heppner and John G T. Anderson
Functional organization of battery cell complexes in tentacles of Hydra attenuata, L. A. Hufnagel, G. Kass‐Simon, and M. K. Lyon
Cardiac Performance in Response to Loading Pressures in Busycon Canauculatum (Gastropoda) and Mercenaria Mercenaria (Bivalvia), P. J. S. Smith
Isolation and partial characterization of a pair of prolactins released in vitro by the pituitary of a cichlid fish, Oreochromis mossambicus, Jennifer L. Specker, David S. King, Richard S. Nishioka, Kunikatsu Shirahata, Kazuo Yamaguchi, and Howard A. Bern
Submissions from 1984
Developmentally regulated genes in silkmoths., M. R. Goldsmith and F. C. Kafatos
Submissions from 1983
Differential patterns in the temporal experession of Bombyx mori chorion genes, Susan Clark Bock, David Charles Tiemeier, Katalin Mester, and Marian Ruth Goldsmith
Behaviour and distribution of larval and early juvenile Homarus americanus., J. S. Cobb, T. Gulbransen, B. F. Phillips, D. Wang, and M. Syslo
Submissions from 1982
Behavioral mechanisms influencing molt frequency in the American lobster, Homarus americanus Milne Edwards, J. Stanley Cobb, George R. Tamm, and Denis Wang
Ultrastructural analysis of nematocyte removal in Hydra, M. K. Lyon, G. Kass-Simon, and L. A. Hufnagel
Submissions from 1981
Behaviour of the western australian spiny lobster, panulirus cygnus george, in the field and laboratory, J. Stanley Cobb
Mechanosensory activity of hair organs on the chelae of Homarus americanus, Michael H. Solon and G. Kass-Simon
Submissions from 1980
Antennae-whipping behavior in the American lobster, Homarus Americanus (Milne-Edwards), Michael H. Solon and J. Stanley Cobb
The external morphology and distribution of cuticular hair organs on the claws of the American lobster, Homarus Americanus (Milne-Edwards), Michael H. Solon and J. Stanley Cobb
Submissions from 1978
A neuropharmacological analysis of the pacemakers and conducting tissues of Hydra attenuata, G. Kass-Simon and L. M. Passano
Behavior and the crustacean molt cycle: Changes in aggression of Homarus americanus, George R. Tamm and J. Stanley Cobb
Effects of predation by sea-run juvenile alewise (Alosa pseudoharengus) on the zooplankton community at Hamilton Reservoir, Rhode Island, Torgny J. Vigerstad and J. Stanley Cobb
Submissions from 1977
Spontaneous and evoked potentials from dissociated epithelial cells of Hydra [30], G. Kass-Simon and V. K. Diesl
Laboratory determination of startle reaction time of the starling (Sturnus vulgaris), Harold Pomeroy and Frank Heppner