Department of Biological Sciences Faculty Publications | Biological Sciences | University of Rhode Island
Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Biological Sciences faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2023


Transfer of knowledge from model organisms to evolutionarily distant non-model organisms: The coral Pocillopora damicornis membrane signaling receptome, Lokender Kumar, Nathanael Brenner, Samuel Sledzieski, Monsurat Olaosebikan, Liza M. Roger, Matthew Lynn-Goin, Roshan Klein-Seetharaman, Bonnie Berger, Hollie M. Putnam, Jinkyu Yang, Nastassja A. Lewinski, Rohit Singh, Noah M. Daniels, Lenore Cowen, and Judith Klein-Seetharaman

Submissions from 2022


The fundamental links between climate change and marine plastic pollution, Helen V. Ford, Nia H. Jones, Andrew J. Davies, Brendan J. Godley, Jenna R. Jambeck, Imogen E. Napper, Coleen C. Suckling, Gareth J. Williams, Lucy C. Woodall, and Heather J. Koldewey


Seabed morphology and bed shear stress predict temperate reef habitats in a high energy marine region, Tim Jackson-Bué, Gareth J. Williams, Timothy A. Whitton, Michael J. Roberts, Alice Goward Brown, Hana Amir, Jonathan King, Ben Powell, Steven J. Rowlands, Gerallt Llewelyn Jones, and Andrew J. Davies


Reference-free discovery of nuclear SNPs permits accurate, sensitive identification of Carya (hickory) species and hybrids, Robert A. Literman, Brittany M. Ott, Jun Wen, L. J. Grauke, Rachel S. Schwartz, and Sara M. Handy


Property value effects of the Hemlock wooly adelgid infestation in New England, U.S.A., Xiaoshu Li, Kevin J. Boyle, Evan L. Preisser, Thomas P. Holmes, and David Orwig


MEDFORD: A HUMAN AND MACHINE READABLE METADATA MARKUP LANGUAGE, Polina Shpilker, John Freeman, Hailey McKelvie, Jill Ashey, Jay-Miguel Fonticella, Hollie Putnam, Jane Greenberg, Lenore J. Cowen, Alva Couch, and Noah M. Daniels


Artificial light at night alters diurnal and nocturnal behavior and physiology in green anole lizards, Laura A. Taylor, Christopher J. Thawley, Olive R. Pertuit, Abigail J. Dennis, Isabela R. Carson, Chen Tang, and Michele A. Johnson

Submissions from 2021


Coral bleaching response is unaltered following acclimatization to reefs with distinct environmental conditions, Katie L. Barott, Ariana S. Huffmyer, Jennifer M. Davidson, Elizabeth A. Lenzb, Shayle B. Matsuda, Joshua R. Hancock, Teegan Innis, Crawford Drury, Hollie M. Putnam, and Ruth D. Gates


Climate Change Winner in the Deep Sea? Predicting the Impacts of Climate Change on the Distribution of the Glass Sponge Vazella pourtalesii, Lindsay Beazley, Ellen Kenchington, Francisco Javier Murillo, David Brickman, Zeliang Wang, Andrew J. Davies, Emyr Martyn Roberts, and Hans Tore Rapp


Correction to: Chronic low-level nutrient enrichment benefits coral thermal performance in a fore reef habitat (Coral Reefs, (2021), 40, 5, (1637-1655), 10.1007/s00338-021-02138-2), Danielle M. Becker, Hollie M. Putnam, Deron E. Burkepile, Thomas C. Adam, Rebecca Vega Thurber, and Nyssa J. Silbiger


Chronic low-level nutrient enrichment benefits coral thermal performance in a fore reef habitat, Danielle M. Becker, Hollie M. Putnam, Deron E. Burkepile, Thomas C. Adam, Rebecca Vega Thurber, and Nyssa J. Silbiger


Changes in selection pressure can facilitate hybridization during biological invasion in a Cuban lizard, Dan G. Bock, Simon Baeckens, Jessica N. Pita-Aquino, Zachary A. Chejanovski, Sozos N. Michaeolides, Pavitra Muralidhar, Sungdae Park, Douglas B. Menke, Anthony J. Geneva, Jonathan B. Losos, and Jason J. Kolbe


Phenotypic effects of changes in the FTVTxK region of an Arabidopsis secondary wall cellulose synthase compared with results from analogous mutations in other isoforms, Jason N. Burris, Mohamadamin Makarem, Erin Slabaugh, Arielle Chaves, Ethan T. Pierce, Jongcheol Lee, Sarah N. Kiemle, Albert L. Kwansa, Abhishek Singh, Yaroslava G. Yingling, Alison W. Roberts, Seong H. Kim, and Candace H. Haigler


Quantifying dispersal variability among nearshore marine populations, Katrina A. Catalano, Allison G. Dedrick, Michelle R. Stuart, Jonathan B. Puritz, Humberto R. Montes, and Malin L. Pinsky


Quantifying dispersal variability among nearshore marine populations, Katrina A. Catalano, Allison G. Dedrick, Michelle R. Stuart, Jonathan B. Puritz, Humberto R. Montes, and Malin L. Pinsky


High Levels of Genetic Divergence Detected in Sacramento Perch Suggests Two Divergent Translocation Sources, Amanda E. Coen, Max Fish, Randy Lovell, Jeff Rodzen, Rachel Schwartz, and Andrea Schreier


Systematic Conservation Planning at an Ocean Basin Scale: Identifying a Viable Network of Deep-Sea Protected Areas in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Magali Combes, Sandrine Vaz, Anthony Grehan, Telmo Morato, Sophie Arnaud-Haond, Carlos Dominguez-Carrió, Alan Fox, José Manuel González-Irusta, David Johnson, Oisín Callery, Andrew Davies, Laurence Fauconnet, Ellen Kenchington, Covadonga Orejas, J. Murray Roberts, Gerald Taranto, and Lénaick Menot


Environmental optima for an ecosystem engineer: a multidisciplinary trait-based approach, Amelia Curd, Aurélien Boyé, Céline Cordier, Fabrice Pernet, Louise B. Firth, Laura E. Bush, Andrew J. Davies, Fernando P. Lima, Claudia Meneghesso, Claudie Quéré, Rui Seabra, Mickaël Vasquez, and Stanislas F. Dubois


Promoting inclusive metrics of success and impact to dismantle a discriminatory reward system in science, Sarah W. Davies, Hollie M. Putnam, Tracy Ainsworth, Julia K. Baum, Colleen B. Bove, Sarah C. Crosby, Isabelle M. Côté, Anne Duplouy, Robinson W. Fulweiler, Alyssa J. Griffin, Torrance C. Hanley, Tessa Hill, Adriana Humanes, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Anna Metaxes, Laura M. Parker, Hanny E. Rivera, Nyss J. Sibiger, Nicola S. Smith, Ana K. Spaulding, Nikki Traylor-Knowles, Brooke L. Weigel, Rachel M. Wright, and Amanda E. Bates


Phylogenomics, divergence time estimation and trait evolution provide a new look into the Gracilariales (Rhodophyta), Goia de M. Lyra, Cintia Iha, Christopher J. Grassa, Liming Cai, Hongrui Zhang, Christopher Lane, Nicolas Blouin, Mariana C. Oliveira, José Marcos de Castro Nunes, and Charles C. Davis


Editorial: Marine Environmental Epigenetics, Jose M. Eirin-Lopez and Hollie M. Putnam


Replicating natural topography on marine artificial structures – A novel approach to eco-engineering, Ally J. Evans, Peter J. Lawrence, Atteyeh S. Natanzi, Pippa J. Moore, Andrew J. Davies, Tasman P. Crowe, Ciaran McNally, Bryan Thompson, Amy E. Dozier, and Paul R. Brooks


Specific niche requirements underpin multidecadal range edge stability, but may introduce barriers for climate change adaptation, Louise B. Firth, Daniel Harris, Julie A. Blaze, Martin P. Marzloff, Aurélien Boyé, Peter I. Miller, Amelia Curd, Mickaël Vasquez, Julia D. Nunn, Nessa E. O’Connor, Anne Marie Power, Nova Mieszkowska, Ruth M. O’Riordan, Michael T. Burrows, Lucy M. Bricheno, Antony M. Knights, Flavia L.D. Nunes, François Bordeyne, Laura E. Bush, James E. Byers, Carmen David, Andrew J. Davies, Stanislas F. Dubois, Hugh Edwards, Andy Foggo, Lisa Grant, J. A. Mattias Green, Paul E. Gribben, and Fernando P. Lima


Spatial scaling properties of coral reef benthic communities, Helen V. Ford, Jamison M. Gove, Andrew J. Davies, Nicholas A.J. Graham, John R. Healey, Eric J. Conklin, and Gareth J. Williams


Using DNA barcoding to identify host-parasite interactions between cryptic species of goby (Coryphopterus: Gobiidae, Perciformes) and parasitic copepods (Pharodes tortugensis: Chondracanthidae, Cyclopoida), Graham E. Forrester, Malachy T. McCaffrey, Kristina X. Terpis, and Christopher E. Lane


Differential resistance and acclimation of two coral species to chronic nutrient enrichment reflect life-history traits, Michael D. Fox, Craig E. Nelson, Thomas A. Oliver, Zachary A. Quinlan, Kristina Remple, Jess Glanz, Jennifer E. Smith, and Hollie M. Putnam


Machine learning highlights the importance of primary and secondary production in determining habitat for marine fish and macroinvertebrates, Kevin D. Friedland, Michelle Bachman, Andrew Davies, Romain Frelat, M. Connor McManus, Ryan Morse, Bradley A. Pickens, Szymon Smoliński, and Kisei Tanaka


Trends in phytoplankton communities within large marine ecosystems diverge from the global ocean, Kevin D. Friedland, John R. Moisan, Aurore A. Maureaud, Damian C. Brady, Andrew J. Davies, Steven J. Bograd, Reg A. Watson, and Yannick Rousseau


Repeat exposure to hypercapnic seawater modifies growth and oxidative status in a tolerant burrowing clam, Samuel J. Gurr, Shelly A. Trigg, Brent Vadopalas, Steven B. Roberts, and Hollie M. Putnam


Long-term Observations Reveal Environmental Conditions and Food Supply Mechanisms at an Arctic Deep-Sea Sponge Ground, Ulrike Hanz, Emyr Martyn Roberts, Gerard Duineveld, Andrew J. Davies, Hans van Haren, Hans Torre Rapp, Gert-Jan Reichart, and Furu Mienis


Marine heatwaves depress metabolic activity and impair cellular acid–base homeostasis in reef-building corals regardless of bleaching susceptibility, Teegan Innis, Luella Allen-Waller, Kristen T. Brown, Wesley Sparagon, Christopher Carlson, Elisa Kruse, Ariana S. Huffmyer, Craig E. Nelson, Hollie M. Putnam, and Katie L. Barott


Three-dimensional mapping reveals scale-dependent dynamics in biogenic reef habitat structure, Tim Jackson-Bué, Gareth J. Williams, Guy Walker-Springett, Steven J. Rowlands, and Andrew J. Davies


Advances in the Arms Race Between Silkworm and Baculovirus, Liang Jiang, Marian R. Goldsmith, and Qingyou Xia


An Experimental Analysis of Perch Diameter and Substrate Preferences of Anolis Lizards from Natural Forest and Urban Habitats, Jason J. Kolbe, Noah Gilbert, James T. Stroud, and Zachary A. Chejanovski


Bright lights, big city: an experimental assessment of short-term behavioral and performance effects of artificial light at night on Anolis lizards, Jason J. Kolbe, Haley A. Moniz, Oriol Lapiedra, and Christopher J. Thawley


Auditory predator cues affect monarch (Danaus plexippus; Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) development time and pupal weight, Zachary A. Lee, Alex K. Baranowski, and Evan L. Preisser


Novel and efficient transformation of wild passion fruit (Passiflora cincinnata Mast.) using sonication-assisted Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, Maurecilne Lemes da Silva, Daniela Lopes Paim Pinto, Andreia Barcelos Passos, Francismar Corrêa Marcelino-Guimarães, Ana Aparecida Bandhi Rossi, William Krause, Ilio Fealho de Carvalho, Diego Silva Batista, Diego Ismael Rocha, and Wagner Campos Otoni


Repetitive somatic embryogenesis from wild passion fruit (Passiflora cincinnata Mast.) anthers, Maurecilne Lemes da Silva, Daniela Lopes Paim Pinto, José Marcello Salabert de Campos, Ilio Fealho de Carvalho, Diego Ismael Rocha, Diego Silva Batista, and Wagner Campos Otoni


Digital image processing to detect subtle motion in stony coral, Shuaifeng Li, Liza M. Roger, Lokender Kumar, Nastassja A. Lewinski, Judith Klein-Seetharaman, Alex Gagnon, Hollie M. Putnam, and Jinkyu Yang


Genome-scale Profiling Reveals Noncoding Loci Carry Higher Proportions of Concordant Data, Robert Literman and Rachel Schwartz


Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Flupyradifurone on Bemisia tabaci MED (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Feeding Behavior and TYLCV Transmission in Tomato, Baiming Liu, Evan L. Preisser, Xiaoguo Jiao, Weihong Xu, and Youjun Zhang


Sulfoxaflor Alters Bemisia tabaci MED (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Preference, Feeding, and TYLCV Transmission, Baiming Liu, Evan L. Preisser, Zezhong Yang, Xiaoguo Jiao, and Youjun Zhang


Lepidopteran wing scales contain abundant cross-linked film-forming histidine-rich cuticular proteins, Jianqiu Liu, Zhiwei Chen, Yingdan Xiao, Tsunaki Asano, Shenglong Li, Li Peng, Enxiang Chen, Jiwei Zhang, Wanshun Li, Yan Zhang, Xiaoling Tong, Keiko Kadono-Okuda, Ping Zhao, Ningjia He, Kallare P. Arunkumar, Karumathil P. Gopinathan, Judith H. Willis, Marian R. Goldsmith, and Kazuei Mita


An integrative investigation of sensory organ development and orientation behavior throughout the larval phase of a coral reef fish, John E. Majoris, Matthew A. Foretich, Yinan Hu, Katie R. Nickles, Camilla L. Di Persia, Romain Chaput, E. Schlatter, Jacqueline F. Webb, Claire B. Paris, and Peter M. Buston


Extensive genome-wide duplications in the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica), Tejashree H. Modak, Robert Literman, Jonathan B. Puritz, Kevin M. Johnson, Erin M. Roberts, Dina Proestou, Ximing Guo, Marta Gomez-Chiarri, and Rachel S. Schwartz


Extensive genome-wide duplications in the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica), Tejashree H. Modak, Robert Literman, Jonathan B. Puritz, Kevin M. Johnson, Erin M. Roberts, Dina Proestou, Ximing Guo, Marta Gomez-Chiarri, and Rachel S. Schwartz


Musical Chairs on Temperate Reefs: Species Turnover and Replacement Within Functional Groups Explain Regional Diversity Variation in Assemblages Associated With Honeycomb Worms, Alexandre Muller, Camille Poitrimol, Flávia L.D. Nunes, Aurélien Boyé, Amelia Curd, Nicolas Desroy, Louise B. Firth, Laura Bush, Andrew J. Davies, Fernando P. Lima, Martin P. Marzloff, Claudia Meneghesso, Rui Seabra, and Stanislas F. Dubois


Fine-scale morphological, genomic, reproductive, and symbiont differences delimit the Caribbean octocorals Plexaura homomalla and P. kükenthali, Jessie A. Pelosi, Moisés A. Bernal, Trevor J. Krabbenhoft, Samantha Galbo, Carlos Prada, Mary Alice Coffroth, and Howard Lasker


3D Bioprinted Implants for Cartilage Repair in Intervertebral Discs and Knee Menisci, Kalindu Perera, Ryan Ivone, Evelina Natekin, Cheryl Wilga, Jie Shen, and Jyothi Menon


Avenues of reef-building coral acclimatization in response to rapid environmental change, Hollie M. Putnam


Reply to: Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone, Nuno Queiroz, Nicolas E. Humphries, Ana Couto, Marisa Vedor, Ivo da Costa, Ana M.M. Sequeira, Gonzalo Mucientes, António M. Santos, Francisco J. Abascal, Debra L. Abercrombie, Katya Abrantes, David Acuña-Marrero, André S. Afonso, Pedro Afonso, Darrell Anders, Gonzalo Araujo, Randall Arauz, Pascal Bach, Adam Barnett, Diego Bernal, Michael L. Berumen, Sandra Bessudo Lion, Natalia P.A. Bezerra, Antonin V. Blaison, Barbara A. Block, Mark E. Bond, Ramon Bonfil, Russell W. Bradford, and Camrin D. Braun


Reply to: Caution over the use of ecological big data for conservation, Nuno Queiroz, Nicolas E. Humphries, Ana Couto, Marisa Vedor, Ivo da Costa, Ana M.M. Sequeira, Gonzalo Mucientes, António M. Santos, Francisco J. Abascal, Debra L. Abercrombie, Katya Abrantes, David Acuña-Marrero, André S. Afonso, Pedro Afonso, Darrell Anders, Gonzalo Araujo, Randall Arauz, Pascal Bach, Adam Barnett, Diego Bernal, Michael L. Berumen, Sandra Bessudo Lion, Natalia P.A. Bezerra, Antonin V. Blaison, Barbara A. Block, Mark E. Bond, Ramon Bonfil, Camrin D. Braun, and Edward J. Brooks


Coral reef resilience differs among islands within the Gulf of Mannar, southeast India, following successive coral bleaching events, K. Diraviya Raj, Greta S. Aeby, G. Mathews, Gareth J. Williams, Jamie M. Caldwell, R. L. Laju, M. Selva Bharath, P. Dinesh Kumar, A. Arasamuthu, N. Gladwin Gnana Asir, Lisa M. Wedding, Andrew J. Davies, Monica M. Moritsch, and J. K. Patterson Edward


Impact of chronic stylet-feeder infestation on folivore-induced signaling and defenses in a conifer, Chad M. Rigsby, Mélanie J.A. Body, Amelia May, Anita Oppong, Amy Kostka, Nick Houseman, Suzanne Savage, Elizabeth R. Whitney, Ian G. Kinahan, Brenton Deboef, Colin M. Orians, Heidi M. Appel, Jack C. Schultz, and Evan L. Preisser


Applying model approaches in non-model systems: A review and case study on coral cell culture, Liza M. Roger, Hannah G. Reich, Evan Lawrence, Shuaifeng Li, Whitney Vizgaudis, Nathan Brenner, Lokender Kumar, Judith Klein-Seetharaman, Jinkyu Yang, Hollie M. Putnam, and Nastassja A. Lewinski


Abiotic soil properties affecting interpretation of IRIS sensors in tidal and freshwater soils, Jasper Romero, Katelyn Hino, Joseph Loffredo, Mark Stolt, Serena Moseman-Valtierra, Jose Amador, and Brett Pellock


Gregarine single-cell transcriptomics reveals differential mitochondrial remodeling and adaptation in apicomplexans, Eric D. Salomaki, Kristina X. Terpis, Sonja Rueckert, Michael Kotyk, Zuzana Kotyková Varadínová, Ivan Čepička, Christopher E. Lane, and Martin Kolisko


Mesophotic Gorgonian Corals Evolved Multiple Times and Faster Than Deep and Shallow Lineages, Juan A. Sánchez, Fanny L. González-Zapata, Carlos Prada, and Luisa F. Dueñas


Genetic and physiological traits conferring tolerance to ocean acidification in mesophotic corals, Federica Scucchia, Assaf Malik, Hollie M. Putnam, and Tali Mass


Combined responses of primary coral polyps and their algal endosymbionts to decreasing seawater pH, Federica Scucchia, Assaf Malik, Paul Zaslansky, Hollie M. Putnam, and Tali Mass


Invertebrate methylomes provide insight into mechanisms of environmental tolerance and reveal methodological biases, Shelly A. Trigg, Yaamini R. Venkataraman, Mackenzie R. Gavery, Steven B. Roberts, Debashish Bhattacharya, Alan Downey-Wall, Jose M. Eirin-Lopez, Kevin M. Johnson, Katie E. Lotterhos, Jonathan B. Puritz, and Hollie M. Putnam


Invertebrate methylomes provide insight into mechanisms of environmental tolerance and reveal methodological biases, Shelly A. Trigg, Yaamini R. Venkataraman, Mackenzie R. Gavery, Steven B. Roberts, Debashish Bhattacharya, Alan Downey-Wall, Jose M. Eirin-Lopez, Kevin M. Johnson, Katie E. Lotterhos, Jonathan B. Puritz, and Hollie M. Putnam


Diel vertical movements of a coastal predator, the roosterfish (Nematistius pectoralis), Jeremy J. Vaudo, Ryan K. Logan, Bradley M. Wetherbee, Jessica C. Harvey, Guy C. McN. Harvey, and Mahmood S. Shivji


Shifting baselines: Physiological legacies contribute to the response of reef corals to frequent heatwaves, Christopher B. Wall, Contessa A. Ricci, Alexandra D. Wen, Bren E. Ledbetter, Delania E. Klinger, Laura D. Mydlarz, Ruth D. Gates, and Hollie M. Putnam


Life in the Fast Lane: Modeling the Fate of Glass Sponge Larvae in the Gulf Stream, Shuangqiang Wang, Ellen Kenchington, Zeliang Wang, and Andrew J. Davies


Metabolomic Shifts Associated with Heat Stress in Coral Holobionts, Amanda Williams, Eric N. Chiles, Dennis A. Conetta, Jananan S. Pathmanathan, Phillip A. Cleves, Hollie M. Putnam, Xiaoyang Su, and Debashish Bhattacharya


Brooded coral offspring physiology depends on the combined effects of parental press and pulse thermal history, Kevin H. Wong, Gretchen Goodbody-Gringley, Samantha J. de Putron, Danielle M. Becker, Alex Chequer, and Hollie M. Putnam


Evolution of Protein-Mediated Biomineralization in Scleractinian Corals, Tal Zaquin, Assaf Malik, Jeana L. Drake, Hollie M. Putnam, and Tali Mass


Circadian regulation of night feeding and daytime detoxification in a formidable Asian pest Spodoptera litura, Jiwei Zhang, Shenglong Li, Wanshun Li, Zhiwei Chen, Huizhen Guo, Jianqiu Liu, Yajing Xu, Yingdan Xiao, Liying Zhang, Kallare P. Arunkumar, Guy Smagghe, Qingyou Xia, Marian R. Goldsmith, Makio Takeda, and Kazuei Mita

Submissions from 2020


Prioritizing Water Security in the Management of Vector Borne Diseases: Lessons from Oaxaca Mexico, Ali S. Akanda, Kristin Johnson, Howard S. Ginsberg, and Janelle Couret


Datana drexelii (Lepidoptera: Notododontidae) occurrence and larval survival on highbush blueberry cultivars, Alex K. Baranowski, Steven R. Alm, and Evan L. Preisser


Habitat suitability and environmental niche comparison of cold-water coral species along the Brazilian continental margin, R. V. Barbosa, A. J. Davies, and P. Y.G. Sumida


Editorial: Integrating Predation Risk Across Scales: from Neurons to Ecosystems and Milliseconds to Generations, Jacqueline J. Blundell and Evan L. Preisser


Variable Growth Across Species and Life Stages in Caribbean Reef Octocorals, Natascha Borgstein, Diana M. Beltrán, and Carlos Prada


First insights into the vertical habitat use of the whitespotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari revealed by pop‐up satellite archival tags, Lauran R. Brewster, Brianna V. Cahill, Miranda N. Burton, Cassady Dougan, Jeffrey S. Herr, Laura I. Norton, Samantha A. McGuire, Marisa Pico, Elizabeth Urban-Gedamke, Kim Bassos-Hull, John P. Tyminski, Robert E. Hueter, Bradley M. Wetherbee, Mahmood Shivji, Neil Burnie, and Matthew J. Ajemian


Limitations of cross- and multigenerational plasticity for marine invertebrates faced with global climate change, Maria Byrne, Shawna A. Foo, Pauline M. Ross, and Hollie M. Putnam


Science Communication Demands a Critical Approach That Centers Inclusion, Equity, and Intersectionality, Katherine N. Canfield, Sunshine Menezes, Shayle B. Matsuda, Amelia Moore, Alycia N. Mosley Austin, Bryan M. Dewsbury, Mónica I. Feliú-Mójer, Katharine W.B. McDuffie, Kendall Moore, Christine A. Reich, Hollie M. Smith, and Cynthia Taylor


Unknown to Known: Advancing Knowledge of Coral Gene Function, Phillip A. Cleves, Alexander Shumaker, Jun Mo Lee, Hollie M. Putnam, and Debashish Bhattacharya


Delimiting Cryptic Morphological Variation among Human Malaria Vector Species using Convolutional Neural Networks, Janelle Couret, Danilo C. Moreira, Davin Bernier, Aria Mia Loberti, Ellen M. Dotson, and Marco A. Alvarez


Biological control of Aedes mosquito larvae with carnivorous aquatic plant, Utricularia macrorhiza, Janelle Couret, Marco Notarangelo, Sarashwathy Veera, Noah LeClaire-Conway, Howard S. Ginsberg, and Roger Lebrun


Bioinformatics of Corals: Investigating Heterogeneous Omics Data from Coral Holobionts for Insight into Reef Health and Resillience, Lenore J. Cowen, Judith Klein-Seetharaman, and Hollie M. Putnam


A Chance at Birth: An Academic Development Activity To Promote Deep Reflection on Social Inequities, Bryan Dewsbury


Deep teaching in a college STEM classroom, Bryan M. Dewsbury


Reflections and Actions for Creating an Inclusive Research Environment, Bryan Dewsbury and Shannon Seidel


Hurricane effects on Neotropical lizards span geographic and phylogenetic scales, Colin M. Donihue, Alex M. Kowaleski, Jonathan B. Losos, Adam C. Algar, Simon Baeckens, Robert W. Buchkowski, Anne Claire Fabre, Hannah K. Frank, Anthony J. Geneva, R. Graham Reynolds, James T. Stroud, Julián A. Velasco, Jason J. Kolbe, D. Luke Mahler, and Anthony Herrel


Three-dimensional digital mapping of ecosystems: a new era in spatial ecology, Tim D'Urban Jackson, Gareth J. Williams, Guy Walker-Springett, and Andrew J. Davies


Science-based approach to using growth rate to assess coral performance and restoration outcomes: Coral growth and future success, Peter J. Edmunds and Hollie M. Putnam


Habitat modification by Ascophyllum canopy negatively impacts macrofaunal communities on soft-sediment shores, Abby R. Gilson and Andrew J. Davies


Cryptic lineages respond differently to coral bleaching, Matías Gómez-Corrales and Carlos Prada


Cryptic lineages respond differently to coral bleaching, Matías Gómez-Corrales and Carlos Prada


Metabolic recovery and compensatory shell growth of juvenile Pacific geoduck Panopea generosa following short-term exposure to acidified seawater, Samuel Gurr, Brent Vadopalas, Steven B. Roberts, and Hollie M. Putnam


Adaptive seasonal shift towards investment in fewer, larger offspring: Evidence from field and laboratory studies, Joshua M. Hall, Timothy S. Mitchell, Christopher J. Thawley, James T. Stroud, and Daniel A. Warner


Suitability of DNA Sequencing Tools for Identifying Edible Seaweeds Sold in the United States, Sara M. Handy, Brittany M. Ott, Elizabeth Sage Hunter, Shu Zhang, David L. Erickson, Mesay Mulugeta Wolle, Sean D. Conklin, and Christopher E. Lane


Erratum: Extraordinarily rapid life-history divergence between Cryptasterina sea star species (Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2012) 279 (3914–3922) DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1343), Michael W. Hart and Jonathan B. Puritz


Erratum: Extraordinarily rapid life-history divergence between Cryptasterina sea star species (Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2012) 279 (3914–3922) DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1343), Michael W. Hart and Jonathan B. Puritz


Seasonal Patterns in Stable Isotope and Fatty Acid Profiles of Southern Stingrays (Hypanus americana) at Stingray City Sandbar, Grand Cayman, Lisa A. Hoopes, Tonya M. Clauss, Nicole E. Browning, Alexa J. Delaune, Bradley M. Wetherbee, Mahmood Shivji, Jessica C. Harvey, and Guy C. M. Harvey


Metabolic Contributions of an Alphaproteobacterial Endosymbiont in the Apicomplexan Cardiosporidium cionae, Elizabeth Sage Hunter, Christopher Paight, and Christopher E. Lane


Embryonic canalization and its limits—A view from temperature, Steven Q. Irvine


Facilitation between invasive herbivores: hemlock woolly adelgid increases gypsy moth preference for and performance on eastern hemlock, Ian G. Kinahan, Alex K. Baranowski, Elizabeth R. Whitney, Suzanne K. Savage, Chad M. Rigsby, Emma E. Shoemaker, Colin M. Orians, and Evan L. Preisser


A Four-Year, Seven-State Reforestation Trial with Eastern Hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis) Resistant to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae), Ian G. Kinahan, Gabrielle Grandstaff, Alana Russell, Chad M. Rigsby, Richard A. Casagrande, and Evan L. Preisser