

Robert Brannon, Ph.D., is a social psychologist who studies empirical research on violence against women, including sexual assault and domestic violence. He has taught Women’s Studies and Men’s Studies courses at Brooklyn College C.U.N.Y. He Chairs the National Task Group on the commercial Sex Industry, sponsored by The National Organization for Men Against Sexism (www.Nomas.org)


The term femicide is useful in naming a wide range of sexist killings of women by men, just as “genocide” and “sexual harassment” named these respective other crimes and civil violations. Definitions and example of killings that are, and are not, femicides clarify the scope of the term. A number and variety of misogynistic killings of women can be documented. There is evidence that learning of the term of femicide has helped women to see and to combat femicides in their spheres. The term femicide has been embraced by the United Nations and by eight Latin American countries to date.

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