Submissions from 2013
An Augmented LSQR Method, James Baglama, L. Reichel, and D. Richmond
Non-Autonomous julia sets with measurable invariant sequences of line fields, Mark Comerford
The Carathéodory topology for multiply connected domains I, Mark Comerford
Preservation of external rays in non-autonomous iteration, Mark Comerford and Todd Woodard
Global Dynamics of Three Anticompetitive Systems of Difference Equations in the Plane, M. DiPippo and Mustafa Kulenovic
On the Erdos-Sós conjecture for graphs having no path with k + 4 vertices, Nancy Eaton and Gary Tiner
Global Dynamics of Certain Homogeneous Second-Order Quadratic Fractional Difference Equation, M. Garić-Demirović, Mustafa RS Kulenović, and N. Nurkanović
Existence of a period-two solution in linearizable difference equations, E. J. Janowski and M. R.S. Kulenović
Existence of a Period-Two Solution in Linearizable Difference Equations, E. J. Janowski and Mustafa RS Kulenović
Global dynamics of an anti-competitive system of rational difference equations in the plane, S. Kalabušić, M. R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav
Global dynamics of anti-competitive systems in the plane, S. Kalabusǐć, M. R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav
Submissions from 2012
Basins of attraction of equilibrium points of second order difference equations, M. Garić-Demirović, M. R.S. Kulenović, and M. Nurkanović
Global behavior of a two-dimensional competitive system of difference equations with stocking, M. R.S. Kulenović and M. Nurkanović
Two-grid mixed finite-element methods for nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Li Wu
Submissions from 2011
Global attractivity results in partially ordered complete metric spaces, A. Brett, M. R.S. Kulenović, and S. Kalabušić
Non-autonomous Julia sets with escaping critical points, Mark Comerford
Short separating geodesics for multiply connected domains, Mark Comerford
Dynamics of certain anti-competitive systems of rational difference equations in the plane, S. Kalabušić and M. R.S. Kulenović
Dynamics of a two-dimensional system of rational difference equations of Leslie-Gower type, S. Kalabušić, M. R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav
Multiple attractors for a competitive system of rational difference equations in the plane, S. Kalabušić, M. R.S. Kulenovič, and E. Pilav
Dynamics of a two-dimensional system of rational difference equations of Leslie--Gower type, S. Kalabušić, Mustafa Kulenović, and E. Pilav
Multiple Attractors for a Competitive System of Rational Difference Equations in the Plane, S. Kalabušić, Mustafa R. S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav
Analysis of sustainable pest control using a pesticide and a screened refuge, John Ringland and Prasanth George
Two-grid strategy for unsteady state nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Li Wu
A single-node characteristic collocation method for unsteady-state convection-diffusion equations in three-dimensional spaces, Li Wu and Kaixin Wang
Submissions from 2010
Cubic polynomial maps with periodic critical orbit, part II: Escape regions, Araceli Bonifant, Jan Kiwi, and John Milnor
Errata for "cubic polynomial maps with periodic critical orbit, part II: Escape regions" Araceli Bonifant, Jan Kiwi, and John Milnor, Araceli Bonifant, Jan Kiwi, and John Milnor
On the Erdös-Sós conjecture and graphs with large minimum degree, Nancy Eaton and Gary Tiner
Random dispersal in a predator-prey-parasite system, Sophia R.-J. Jang, James Baglama, and Li Wu
Invariant manifolds for competitive discrete systems in the plane, M. R.S. Kulenović and Orlando Merino
Submissions from 2009
Global Behavior of Solutions to Two Classes of Second-Order Rational Difference Equations, Sukanya Basu and Orlando Merino
Global behavior of two competitive rational systems of difference equations in the plane, A. Brett, M. R.S. Kulenović, M. Garić-Demirović, and M. Nurkanović
Global Attractivity Results for Mixed-Monotone Mappings in Partially Ordered Complete Metric Spaces, Dž Burgić, S. Kalabušić, and Mustafa R. Kulenović
Rational systems in the plane, E. Camouzis, M. R.S. Kulenovic, G. Ladas, and O. Merino
On the global character of the system xn+1=α1+γ1yn/xn and yn+1= β2xn+γ2yn/B2xn+C2yn, E. Camouzis, G. Ladas, and L. Wu
Global Behavior of Four Competitive Rational Systems of Difference Equations in the Plane, M. Garlić-Demirović, Mustafa R. Kulenović, and M. Nurkanović
Continuous-time predator–prey models with parasites, Sophia R.-J. Jang and James Baglama
Attractivity and global stability for linearizable difference equations, E. Janowski and M. R.S. Kulenović
Global Dynamics of a Competitive System of Rational Difference Equations in the Plane, S. Kalabušic, Mustafa R. Kulenović, and E. Pilav
Global bifurcation for discrete competitive systems in the plane, M. R.S. Kulenović and Orlando Merino
Submissions from 2008
Augmented Block Householder Arnoldi Method, James Baglama
Computations with quasiseparable polynomials and matrices, T. Bella, Y. Eidelman, I. Gohberg, and V. Olshevsky
Global dynamics of a rational system of difference equations in the plane, Dž Burgić, M. R.S. Kulenović, and M. Nurkanović
Plankton-toxin interaction with a variable input nutrient, Sophia R.-J. Jang, James Baglama, and Johannes Rick
Submissions from 2007
Augmented GMRES-type methods, James Baglama and Lothar Reichel
Decomposition methods for large linear discrete ill-posed problems, James Baglama and Lothar Reichel
Elliptic curves as attractors in ℙ2 part 1: Dynamics, Araceli Bonifant, Marius Dabija, and John Milnor
Global asymptotic behavior of yn+1 = (pyn + yn-1)/(r + qyn + yn-1), A. Brett and M. R.S. Kulenović
ROBUST POPULATION MANAGEMENT UNDER UNCERTAINTY FOR STRUCTURED POPULATION MODELS, A. Deines, E. Peterson, D. Boeckner, J. Boyle, A. Keighley, J. Kogut, J. Lubben, R. Rebarber, R. Ryan, B. Tenhumberg, S. Townley, and A. J. Tyre
Tree representations of graphs, Nancy Eaton, Zoltán Füredi, Alexandr V. Kostochka, and Jozef Skokan
Stability of the KTH order lyness' equation with a period-k coefficient, E. J. Janowski, M. R.S. Kulenović, and Z. Nurkanović
Stability analysis of Pielou's equation with period-two coefficient, M. R.S. Kulenović and Orlando Merino
Submissions from 2006
Restarted block Lanczos bidiagonalization methods, James Baglama and Lothar Reichel
Periodic solutions of arbitrary length in a simple integer iteration, Dean S. Clark
Nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton models with a toxin, S. R.-J. Jang, J. Baglama, and J. Rick
A note on unbounded solutions of a class of second order rational difference equations, M. R.S. Kulenović and O. Merino
A global attractivity result for maps with invariant boxes, M. R.S. Kulenović and Orlando Merino
Competitive-exclusion versus competitive-coexistence for systems in the plane, M. R.S. Kulenović and Orlando Merino
Global attractivity of the equilibrium of for q < p, M. R.S. Kulenović and Orlando Merino
Asymptotic behavior of a competitive system of linear fractional difference equations, Mustafa Kulenovic and M. Nurkanović
Submissions from 2005
BIT Numerical Mathematics: Editorial, Krister Åhlander, Edward Allen, Alexander I. Aptekarev, Mario Arioli, Martin Arnold, Mohammad Asadzadeh, James Baglama, Christophe Bailly, Christopher Baker, Sören Bartels, Abderrahmane Bendali, Michele Benzi, Fredrik Berntsson, Dimitri Breda, Hermann Brunner, Stefano Serra Capizzano, Jeff Cash, Raymond Chan, Shivkumar Chandrasekaran, Xiao Wen Chang, I. Liang Chern, Michel Crouzeix, Marnix Van Daele, Arne Christian Damhaug, Tim Davis, Oleg Davydov, Luca Dieci, Jerry Eriksson, Lars Erik Eriksson, and Terje Espelid
Augmented Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Bidiagonalization Methods, James Baglama and Lothar Reichel
Stability of the Gumowski-Mira equation with period-two coefficient, C. A. Clark, E. J. Janowski, and M. R.S. Kulenović
On a system of rational difference equations, C. A. Clark, M. R.S. Kulenović, and James F. Selgrade
Droop models of nutrient–plankton interaction with intratrophic predation, S. R.-J. Jang and J. Baglama
Nutrient-plankton models with nutrient recycling, S. R.-J. Jang and J. Baglama
Intratrophic predation in a simple food chain with fluctuating nutrient, S. R.-J. Jang, J. Baglama, and P. Seshaiyer
Sequences and series of functions, Barbara Kaskosz
The amplitudes of nonlinear oscillations, M. R.S. Kulenović and N. Moussa
Global behavior of a three-dimensional linear fractional system of difference equations, M. R.S. Kulenović and E. Nurkanović
Asymptotic behavior of a system of linear fractional difference equations, Mustafa RS Kulenović and M. Nurkanović
On cover graphs and dependent arcs in acyclic orientations, V. Rödl and L. Thoma
Submissions from 2004
Progress report on rational difference equations, E. A. Grove, M. R.S. Kulenović, and G. Ladas
Rate of convergence of solutions of rational difference equation of second order, Senadak Kalabušić and M. R.S. Kulenović
Dynamics of the recursive sequence Xn+1 = βX n-1+δXn-k/BXn-1+DXn-k, S. Kalabušić, M. R.S. Kulenović, and C. B. Overdeep
On the dynamics of xn+1 = pn + xn-1/x n with a period-two coefficient, M. R.S. Kulenović, G. Ladas, and C. B. Overdeep
Compensatory versus overcompensatory dynamics in density-dependent Leslie models, M. R.S. Kulenović and Abdul Aziz Yakubu
Bipartite subgraphs and quasi-randomness, Jozef Skokan and Lubos Thoma
Velocity changes in a model study of propagation in a ring of stretched ventricular myocytes, Frederick J. Vetter, Haiyan Sui, Hong Liu, and Li Wu
Parameter estimation for biochemical pathways by resolving inconsistent experimental data, Jiang Wu, Ying Sun, Li Wu, and Robert L. Rodgers
An Eulerian-Lagrangian Single-Node Collocation Method for Transient Advection-Diffusion Equations in Multiple Space Dimensions, Li Wu and Hong Wang
Submissions from 2003
IRBL: An Implicitly Restarted Block-Lanczos Method for Large-Scale Hermitian Eigenproblems, James Baglama, D. Calvetti, and L. Reichel
Algorithm 827: Irbleigs: A MATLAB program for computing a few eigenpairs of a large sparse Hermitian matrix, J. Baglama, D. Calvetti, and L. Reichel
IRBL: An implicitly restarted block-Lanczos method for large-scale Hermitian eigenproblems, J. Baglama, D. Calvetti, and L. Reichel
Global asymptotic behavior of a two-dimensional difference equation modelling competition, Dean Clark, M. R.S. Kulenović, and James F. Selgrade
Nonoscillatory solutions for system of neutral delay equation, H. El-Metwally, M. R.S. Kulenović, and S. Hadžiomerspahić
Persistence in variable-yield nutrient-plankton models, S. R.-J. Jang and J. Baglama
On the recursive sequence xn+1 = γxn-1+δxn-2/Cxn-1+Dxn-2, S. Kalabušić and M. R.S. Kulenović
An optimal algorithm for checking regularity, Y. Kohayakawa, V. Rödl, and L. Thoma
The dynamics of xn+1 = α+βxn/A+Bxn+Cxn-1 facts and conjectures, M. R.S. Kulenović, G. Ladas, L. F. Martins, and I. W. Rodrigues
On the Dynamics of Xn+1 = pn + Xn-1/X n, M. R.S. Kulenović, G. Ladas, and C. B. Overdeep
Global asymptotic behavior of a two-dimensional system of difference equations modeling cooperation, M. R.S. Kulenović and M. Nurkanović
A nonconventional Eulerian-Lagrangian single-node collocation method with hermite polynomials for unsteady-state advection-diffusion equations, Li Wu, Hong Wang, and George F. Pinder
Submissions from 2002
A coupled system of rational difference equations, D. Clark and M. R.S. Kulenović
On pebbling threshold functions for graph sequences, Andrzej Czygrinow, Nancy Eaton, Glenn Huribert, and P. Mark Kayll
On the trichotomy character of Xn+1 = (α + βXn + γXn-1)/(A + Xn), C. H. Gibbons, M. R.S. Kulenović, G. Ladas, and H. D. Voulov
On the stability of solutions of certain systems of differential equations with piecewise constant argument, S. R. Grace, M. R.S. Kulenović, and H. El-Metwally
On the stability of solutions of certain systems of differential equations with piecewise constant argument, S. R. Grace, Mustafa Kulenović, and H. El-Metwally
An optimal algorithm for checking regularity (extended abstract), Y. Kohayakawa, V. Rodl, and L. Thoma
Discrete dynamical systems and difference equations with mathematica, Mustafa R.S. Kulenović and Orlando Merino