Submissions from 2024
Teaching There...and Back Again: Building a Practice of Reflective Teaching, Amanda Crego-Emley, Alicia G. Vaandering, and Chris Cassaday
What Are They Learning? How Are They Learning It? Information Literacy Preparation for the Workforce and as Professional Development, Amanda K. Izenstark
From Sea to Shining Sea: A Survey of Intellectual Freedom Practices in the United States, Amanda K. Izenstark, Jo Knapp, and David Bernardo
From Sea to Shining Sea: A Survey of Intellectual Freedom Practices in the United States, Amanda K. Izenstark, Jo Knapp, and David Bernardo
Writing and Reviewing for Inclusion: Programs to Lift Library Worker Voices, Holly Jackson, Anna Sandelli, Ann Agee, and Amanda K. Izenstark
Sowing Seeds for Success: Equitable Grading in the Information Literacy Classroom, Alicia G. Vaandering
Submissions from 2023
Love at First Abstract: A Program to Lift Library Worker Voices and Foster a Future of Supportive Peer Review, Holly Jackson, Amanda K. Izenstark, Ann Agee, and Anna Sandelli
Stories to Empower Our Communities: Promoting Diverse LGBTQIA+ Narratives in Picture Book Collections, Amanda Melilli, Alicia G. Vaandering, and James W. Rosenzweig
Increasing equity in the classroom through ungrading, Alicia G. Vaandering
Submissions from 2022
Democratic Belonging as Informed Citizenry - Empowering Faculty to Empower Learners via Information Literacy, Anna Santucci, Amanda K. Izenstark, and Mary C. MacDonald
Rainbow Reflections: Exploring LGBTQIA+ Representation in Curriculum Materials Library Picture Book Collections, Alicia G. Vaandering, James Rosenzweig, and Amanda Melilli
Submissions from 2021
Walking the tight-rope over the digital divide: Supporting transfer and international college students, Alicia G. Vaandering and Meagan Joseph
Who do you see?: Representing diverse communities through inclusive children’s book collections, Alicia G. Vaandering and James Rosenzweig
Submissions from 2020
Enhancing our Supply Chain: Working with Faculty to Embed IL Threshold Concepts, Amanda K. Izenstark and Mary MacDonald
Submissions from 2019
The Sociological and Humanistic Problem of ‘Fake News,’ As It Applies to All Subjects, Including Scientific Research and Theories in the Public Sphere, Andrée Rathemacher and Amanda Izenstark
Submissions from 2018
The Open Science Framework & Reproducible Research: A New Space for Scholars & Librarians, Amanda Izenstark and Andrée Rathemacher
What to Do with Research Data, Julia A. Lovett and Harrison Dekker
Failure to Reproduce: The Replication Crisis in Research — Can Librarians Help?, Andrée J. Rathemacher, Amanda Izenstark, and Harrison Dekker
Submissions from 2017
Evaluate Everything, Amanda Izenstark
What Clues Tell You Something is True? Empowering Students to Find Evidence, Amanda Izenstark
Librarians as Design Partners: How We Helped Faculty Spotlight IL, Amanda Izenstark, Jim Kinnie, and Mary C. MacDonald
Information Literacy and General Education: Supporting Student Success, Jim Kinnie, Mary C. MacDonald, and Amanda Izenstark
Web of Science v. Scopus: Presentation for the URI Deans' Council, Peter Larsen and Andrée Rathemacher
Is Your Research Reproducible?, Andrée Rathemacher, Harrison Dekker, and Amanda Izenstark
Submissions from 2016
Avoiding the Plagiarism Trap, Amanda Izenstark
Measuring Your Research Impact: Citation and Altmetrics Tools, Amanda Izenstark, Julia Lovett, and Andrée Rathemacher
Researcher Profiles, Amanda Izenstark, Julia Lovett, and Andrée Rathemacher
Scholarly Publishing, Amanda Izenstark, Andrée Rathemacher, and Julia Lovett
ResearchGate, Copyright, and You, Andrée Rathemacher, Julia Lovett, and Amanda Izenstark
Submissions from 2015
Who’s Talking About (and Citing) Me? Tracking Your Work using Databases, Google, Web of Knowledge, and Altmetrics Tools, Amanda Izenstark, Julia Lovett, and Andrée Rathemacher
Submissions from 2014
Who's Talking About (and Citing) Me? Tracking Your Work using Databases, Google, Web of Knowledge, and Altmetrics Tools, Amanda Izenstark, Julia Lovett, and Andrée Rathemacher
Submissions from 2011
Using the Cloud for Collaboration and Productivity, Amanda Izenstark
Trading places: Empowering users through the Cephalonian Orientation Method, Amanda Izenstark and Mary C. MacDonald
Submissions from 2010
Prepare to be Googled: Social media, privacy, and your digital reputation, Amanda Izenstark
Submissions from 2009
Brave New (Pedagogical) World: Participating in the Selection of – and Actually Using – a New Course Management System, Amanda Izenstark
Diving into Sakai: One Librarian, Twenty Students, and a Brand New, Open Source CMS, Amanda Izenstark
Submissions from 2004
Information Literacy: Time for a Comprehensive Plan, Joanna M. Burkhardt, Mary C. MacDonald, Barbara Kenney, Jim Kinnie, and Andrée J. Rathemacher
Submissions from 2003
Information Literacy: Time for a Comprehensive Plan, Joanna M. Burkhardt, Mary C. MacDonald, and Andrée J. Rathemacher
Submissions from 2001
Changing Trends in Library Instruction, Mary MacDonald, Andrée Rathemacher, and Joanna Burkhardt
Submissions from 2000
New Learners, New Models: Cultivating an Information Literacy Program. A presentation for the University of Rhode Island Council of Deans., Mary C. MacDonald, Joanna M. Burkhardt, and Andrée J. Rathemacher
New Learners, New Models: Information Literacy at the University of Rhode Island, Mary C. MacDonald, Joanna M. Burkhardt, and Andrée J. Rathemacher
Submissions from 1999
New Learners, New Models: Cultivating an Information Literacy Program, Andrée J. Rathemacher, Mary C. MacDonald, and Joanna M. Burkhardt
Web Based Business Information on a Budget, Andrée Rathemacher, Carol West, and Alex Caracuzzo
Submissions from 1998
Finding Information to Help Plan a Small Business, Andrée Rathemacher
Business Web Page Design, Andrée Rathemacher and Kelli Belmonti
Public Libraries and the Internet, Andrée Rathemacher and Joe McGovern
Submissions from 1997
Finding Business Information on the Internet, Andrée Rathemacher
Finding Investment Information in Libraries, Andrée Rathemacher
Submissions from 1996
Finding Information to Help Plan a Small Business, Andrée Rathemacher
Finding Investment Information in Libraries, Andrée Rathemacher
Internet Resources for Labor and Human Relations Professionals, Andrée Rathemacher
Your Ticket to the Information Highway, Andrée Rathemacher