"Measuring Your Research Impact: Citation and Altmetrics Tools" by Amanda Izenstark, Julia Lovett et al.

Document Type



Association of Rhode Island Health Sciences Libraries (ARIHSL) Business Meeting

Date of Original Version



Slides from a presentation, "Measuring Your Research Impact: Citation and Altmetrics Tools," offered at the Association of Rhode Island Health Sciences Libraries (ARIHSL) Business Meeting on March 16, 2016. The meeting took place at the Miriam Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island.

2016 Measuring Your Research Impact - Citation and Altmetrics Tools.pptx (78 kB)
Presentation slides - Powerpoint

2016 Measuring Your Research Impact - Citation and Altmetrics Tools.pdf (139 kB)
Presentation slides - PDF

Measuring Your Research Impact Libguide revised 03-2016.pdf (525 kB)
Measuring Your Research Impact LibGuide 03-2016 version

2016-03-09 Email announcing ARIHSL Business Meeting agenda.pdf (156 kB)
Email with ARIHSL Business Meeting agenda

2016-03-20 ARIHSL Thanks.pdf (25 kB)
Thank-you note for presenting
