Home > JFS > Iss. 7 (2015)
Fall 2014/Spring 2015
From the Editors
From the Editors
Anna M. Klobucka, Jeannette E. Riley, and Catherine Villanueva Gardner
Special Issue Introduction
Introduction: Education, Intersectionality and Social Change
Lena Wånggren and Maja Milatovic
Decolonizing Higher Education: Black Feminism and the Intersectionality of Race and Gender
Heidi Safia Mirza
Precarious Pedagogies? The Impact of Casual and Zero-Hour Contracts in Higher Education
Ana Lopes and Indra Angeli Dewan
Queer Desires and Critical Pedagogies in Higher Education: Reflections on the Transformative Potential of Non-Normative Learning Desires in the Classroom
Jennifer Fraser and Sarah Lamble
Teaching against Hierarchies: An Anarchist Approach
Stephanie Spoto
Neoliberalism and Public University Agendas: Tensions along the Global/Local Divide
Peter Wanyenya and Donna Lester-Smith