Welcome to the Journal of Feminist Scholarship
The Journal of Feminist Scholarship is a twice-yearly, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published online and aimed at promoting feminist scholarship across the disciplines, as well as expanding the reach and definitions of feminist research.
Co-Executive Editor: Anupama Arora, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Co-Executive Editor: Jeannette E. Riley, University of Rhode Island
Co-Editor: Jessica Frazier, University of Rhode Island
Co-Editor: Anna M. Klobucka, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Co-Editor: Erin K. Krafft, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Co-Editor: Heather M. Turcotte, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Editorial Assistant
Jasmine Mattey
Student Interns
Gwen Pichette, UMass Dartmouth
Past Student interns: Zoe Lellios, UMass Dartmouth ; Angely Valle, UMass Dartmouth;
Jasmine Mattey, UMass Dartmouth
; Jesse Magnifico, UMass Dartmouth
Current Issue: Issue 25 (Fall 2024)
Using GIS to Visualize Daily Routines at the Neighborhood and Household Scales: A Feminist Approach Using a Nineteenth-Century Diary
Sterling D. Quinn
Hauntings of Publication Deaths, Possibilities for Our Academic Present
Kathleen (Kaye) A. Hare and Amber Moore
Swimming Against the Tide: Resistance Strategies and Agentic Skills Used by Childfree Women
Carolina Rojas-Madrigal
Another Take on the Opposition between Gender Categories
Ivan Restović