Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

William Kelly


The purpose of this study was to develop a digital computer model of the Mink Brook Aquifer to examine the importance of including evapotranspiration in aquifer modeling, the discharge well effects on the streams and ponds in the aquifer, and the water table configurations resulting from the extensive development within the aquifer by the Wakefield Water Company.

For this study, the Wakefield Water Company pumping rate for 1959 (0.86 mgd) was used for calibration, present rates (1.43 mgd at Holland site and 0.56 mgd annually at the Tuckertown site) were used for investigation of effects of pumping on streams, ponds, and water table configurations, and the maximum discharge capacities for wells were used to determine the aquifer’s response to maximum potential development.

The study revealed that in basins with large swamp areas (Mink Brook – 30%), calibration and utilization of a groundwater model must include evapotranspiration losses.

In years of normal groundwater recharge, present withdrawal rates can be sustained with no detrimental effects other than the disappearance of Mink Brook flow. However with present discharge rates and under certain severe conditions, extensive areas within the aquifer would be dewatered, since there is a delicate balance between pond level, pumping rate, and rate of recharge. Results for present pumping rates indicate that further development would cause problems. Computer runs using full well capacities resulted in dewatering of the aquifer causing simulation failure; even a third hypothetical well field with an assumed discharge rate of 1 mgd located in an area with the basin’s highest transmissivities caused simulation failure.



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