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These data were collected as part of the USDA NRS CIG project “How much is too much? Managing fertilizer nutrients in high tunnel vegetable production” (award NR203A750008G009). The objectives of the project were 1) to determine whether nutrient leaching (particularly of nitrogen) was a problem in commercial high tunnel tomato production; 2) to develop a model to predict nutrient mineralization and uptake in high tunnels; and 3) to construct a web-based tool growers could use to manage applications of nutrient and water to tomatoes. These data were used to build the model, which became the basis for the tool.

Soil Temperature and Moisture Raw Data.xlsx (17950 kB)
Soil Temperature and Moisture Raw Data

Soil Cores Master.xlsx (146 kB)
Soil Cores Master

ResinCapsMaster.xlsx (146 kB)
Resin Caps Master
