Universality classes of dynamical behavior (abstract)

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In studies of dynamic correlation functions the focus is, in general, on their long-time asymptotic behavior and the singularity structure of the associated spectral densities. It turns out that the analysis of the same dynamic correlation functions from a quite different perspective is equally useful and revealing. The focus of our study is on the properties of spectral densities at high frequencies, specifically their decay law, expressible asΦ0large-closed-square signωlarge-closed-square sign ∼explarge-closed-square sign - ω 2large-closed-square signλlarge-closed-square sign, in terms of a characteristic exponent λ. That decay law governs the growth rate of the sequence of recurrents which determine the relaxation function in the continued-fraction representation. The value of λ contains valuable information on the underlying dynamical processes taking place in the system, which, in some sense, is complementary to that inferred from the singularity structure of spectral densities. A detailed study of the dynamics of various quantum and classical spin models has prompted us to introduce the concept of "universality class" for a classification of dynamical behavior on the basis of the characteristic exponent λ. For the equivalent-neighbor XYZ model1 we are able to demonstrate four different prototype universality classes: λ=0 (compact support), λ=1 (Gaussian decay), λ=2 (exponential decay), λ=3 (stretched exponential decay), which can be interpreted in terms of basic notions of classical dynamics. Finally, we present the exact T=∞ dynamic correlation functions for a two-sublattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet with uniform intersublattice interaction and zero intrasublattice interaction.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Journal of Applied Physics




