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We analyze the validity of the Fermi-liquid approach to transverse dynamics of spin-polarized gases at arbitrary temperatures. We demonstrate that the diagrammatic kinetic equation for transverse processes can be formulated as a simpler, but completely equivalent equation in terms of ‘‘statistical quasiparticles.’’ The equation includes all coherent and dephasing molecular-field terms as well as the dissipative collision integral up to the second order. Beyond the second order, the results become very complicated, and a quasiparticle approach loses its attraction. We give the expressions for the effective interaction function and collision integral for statistical quasiparticles, applicable at all temperatures, and discuss the implications of this concept at high temperatures. The interaction function contains anomalous pole terms which do not exist in equations for longitudinal dynamics. This provides a somewhat unexpected interpretation for zero-temperature dissipative processes, observed recently in spin dynamics, and for controversial molecular field terms (the so-called I2 terms) as imaginary (pole) and real (principal) parts of the quasiparticle interaction function. These molecular field terms with complicated analytical structure do not vanish completely, as was assumed earlier, in the Boltzmann region, but contribute to higher-order density terms. With an emphasis on quantum gases, we discuss how to reconcile various physical assumptions inherent to different kinetic approaches to dilute gases.

Publisher Statement

© 1995 American Physical Society
