On enhanced non-linear free surface flow simulations with a hybrid LBM-VOF model

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Date of Original Version



In this paper, we present extensions, extensive validations and applications of our previously published hybrid volume-of-fluid-based (VOF) model for the simulation of free-surface flow problems. For the solution of the flow field, the lattice Boltzmann method is used, where the free surface is represented by a VOF approach. The advection equation for the VOF fill level is discretized with a finite volume method, on the basis of a 3D Piecewise Linear Interface Reconstruction (PLIC) algorithm. The model is validated for several standard free surface benchmarks, such as breaking dam scenarios and a free falling jet. Finally, the hybrid algorithm is applied to the simulation of a wave breaking by overturning during shoaling, which is considered to be a demanding test case, especially for VOF solvers. In this case, the flow field is initialized early in the shoaling process with a solitary wave solution from inviscid, irrotational potential flow. The wave breaking process is then simulated with the 3D transient and turbulent LBM-VOF solver. All validation and benchmark tests confirm the accuracy of the proposed hybrid model. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Computers and Mathematics with Applications




