"Children’s Fears: The Development of a New Measure and Preliminary Fin" by Michael Hayden Davies

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology



First Advisor

Lawrence C. Grebstein


This study reviews prior descriptive and self-report surveys of children's fears and presents the initial development of a new measure, the Fear Expression and Research Survey (F.E.A.R.S.). The F.E.A.R.S. represents an encouraging improvement over past measures: four clearly identifiable components emerged following the two administrations; the factor structure and degree of factorial invariance were satisfactory; the percentage of total variance accounted for by the 24-item core was 59% on Round One and 58% on Round Two; and the internal consistency (Alpha) coefficients were within acceptable limits. Evidence is presented to suggest that children's fears change with age on at least two of the four component scales, and girls are found to report a significantly greater degree of fear. Cautions and suggestions for future research are outlined.



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