Promoting Nutrition for Men's Health

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Date of Original Version



Morbidity and mortality are significantly higher in men than in women and are particularly related to lifestyle-related chronic diseases. Men tend to consume fewer vegetables and fruits than women and fail to meet recommendations for intakes of fats, fibers, and sodium. Men in some population groups tend to consume diets with lower nutrient density than women. Barriers to healthy eating in men include lack of awareness and personal interest, perceptions that foods and diets are “women's business,” lack of social support, and cynicism regarding nutrition messages by health authorities. In addition, many men perceive health-promoting foods as expensive, bland, nonsatiating, and time-consuming to prepare. Research specifically focused on men's health and nutrition is critically needed. Topics to be addressed include biological, psychological, and social correlates of healthy eating in men and nutritional factors particular to chronic disease risk reduction in men. Social, cultural, religious, economic, educational, and other aspects should be taken into account. © 2008, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine




