URI Graduate School of Library and Information Studies Faculty Publications | Graduate School of Library and Information Studies | University of Rhode Island
Explore scholarly publications from the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2024


Effective Leader Practices to Leverage School Librarians as Leaders in One-to-One Computing, Mary Moen

Submissions from 2023


Virtual interviews vs. in person interviews: Factors Influencing Researchers to Conduct Virtual Interviews, Lauren H. Mandel


Paradigm Shift, Expansion, and Inclusion: Visual Literacy Research for the Field of Information, Yan Ma

Submissions from 2022


Measuring the implementation of media literacy instructional practices in schools: community stakeholder perspectives, Renee Hobbs, Mary Moen, Rongwei Tang, and Pamela Steager


If you shrink it, will they still succeed? Comparing the effectiveness of pedagogical models for accelerated learning in an online master’s degree program, Lauren H. Mandel


Library Adoption and Use of GIS as an Information Sharing Tool during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Lauren H. Mandel


What’s working? A case study of an exemplary school library district program in a 1:1 device setting, Mary Moen


Digitizing the ‘Ideal’ Latina Information Worker, Miriam Sweeney and Melissa Villa-Nicholas

Submissions from 2020


Information Provision and the Carceral State: Race and Reference beyond the Idea of the "Underserved", Jeanie Austin and Melissa Villa-Nicholas


A new decade of uses for geographic information systems (GIS) as a tool to research, measure and analyze library services, Lauren H. Mandel, Bradley Wade Bishop, and Ashley Marie Orehek


Teaming up to Teach Teamwork in an LIS Master’s Degree Program, Lauren H. Mandel, Mary H. Moen, and Valerie Karno


Continuing education for public library staff: Valued competencies and preferred delivery format, Mary Moen, Lauren H. Mandel, and Valerie Karno

Submissions from 2019


Data Body Milieu: The Latinx Immigrant at the Center of Technological Development, Melissa Villa-Nicholas


Latinx Digital Memory: Identity Making in Real Time, Melissa Villa-Nicholas


Designing the ‘good citizen’ through Latina identity in USCIS’s virtual assistant ‘Emma’, Melissa Villa-Nicholas and Miriam E. Sweeney

Submissions from 2018


Developing Research Practitioners: Exploring Pedagogical Options for Teaching Research Methods in LIS, Nicole D. Alemanne and Lauren H. Mandel


User Wayfinding Strategies in Public Library Facilities, Lauren H. Mandel and Kelly A. LeMeur


Teaching intersectionality: Pedagogical approaches for lasting impact, Melissa Villa-Nicholas


Terror by Telephone: Normative Anxieties around Obscene Calls in the 1960s, Melissa Villa-Nicholas

Submissions from 2017


Experiencing Research Firsthand: The “unClassroom” Experiential Learning Approach to Teaching Research Methods in an LIS Master’s Program, Lauren H. Mandel


Mapping Race and Racism in U.S. Library History Literature, 1997–2015, LaTesha Velez and Melissa Villa-Nicholas

Submissions from 2016


Understanding and describing users’ wayfinding behavior in public library facilities, Lauren H. Mandel


Visualzing the Library as Place, Lauren H. Mandel


Evaluating Library Signage: A Systematic Method for Conducting a Library Signage Inventory, Lauren H. Mandel and Melissa P. Johnston

Submissions from 2015


Organization and Access to the Chinese Books/CDs/DVDs Donated by Hanban to the Confucius Institutes in the United States, Yan Ma

Submissions from 2014


Are We Leaving Them Lost in the Woods with No Breadcrumbs to Follow? Assessing Signage Systems in School Libraries, Lauren H. Mandel and Melissa P. Johnston

Submissions from 2013


Finding Their Way: How Public Library Users Wayfind, Lauren H. Mandel


Costs of and Benefits Resulting from Public Library E-Government Service Provision: Findings and Future Directions from an Exploratory Study, Lauren H. Mandel, Laura I. Spears, Debra Guenther, and Charles R. McClure

Submissions from 2012


Practical Approaches and Proposed Strategies for Measuring Selected Aspects of Community-Based Broadband Deployment and Use, Lisandra R. Carmichael, Charles R. McClure, Lauren H. Mandel, and Marcia A. Mardis

Submissions from 2011


Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Public Library Assessment, Bradley Wade Bishop, Lauren H. Mandel, and Charles R. McClure

Submissions from 2010


Geographic Information Systems: Tools for Displaying In-Library Use Data, Lauren H. Mandel

Submissions from 1982


Learning Theory, Lecture, and Programmed Instruction Text: An Experiment in Bibliographic Instruction, Thomas T. Surprenant