"The Expatriate Venture: What Role Does Cross-Cultural Training Play an" by John Neill

Document Type

Seminar Paper

Date of Original Version



Relocation of U.S. companies into an overseas country is an all too common occurrence in the global market of today. Organizations that attempt to initiate business in a foreign environment must understand not only the intricacies of the host country’s culture but also how that culture meshes with the business acumen of the expatriate who accepts the overseas position. Cross-cultural training, implemented through the lens of a theoretical framework customized to the learning style of the expatriate may be the answer to a successful venture into foreign markets. Given the fact that up to 40% of U.S. expatriate managers fail in their newly formed overseas assignments (Hogan & Goodson, 1990), a customized training curriculum may just hold the answer to a successful expatriate experience. To answer this question it becomes important to review research that contains experimental design in an attempt to remove subjectivity and ascertain causality.
