"New Employee Onboarding Programs and Person-Organization Fit: An Exami" by Kaylee L. Pike

Document Type

Seminar Paper

Date of Original Version



The primary goals of new employee onboarding programs are to increase performance levels and create higher levels of fit within both the job and the organization. Employee fit has been shown to increase job satisfaction and organizational commitment while reducing turnover rates. As the United States recovers from the economic recession, higher performing employees are placing a greater emphasis on job satisfaction, and employers are seeking innovative techniques for increasing fit. Onboarding programs have emerged as one of the leading measures for driving employee fit, but there is a lack of research to support its effectiveness. This paper seeks to examine the effectiveness of onboarding programs at creating person-organization fit through organizational socialization tactics. By analyzing theoretical background and empirical research, I will evaluate the effectiveness of onboarding at driving cultural assimilation and reducing turnover rates.
