"What Difference Does it Make?" by Elsa Kunz


This paper examines numerous pre-texts in Anglo-American feminist theology and critical theory seminal to the establishment of feminist philosophy of religion as a distinct academic discipline. Specifically, I trace early reception of philosopher Luce Irigaray’s writing on becoming divine women in Anglo-American feminist circles, arguing that critical attention to the “horizons of expectations” around Irigaray’s person is a necessary step to the myriad readings of her work. I begin by situating my own initial expectations and encounters with Irigaray’s writing on divine women as a graduate student in theological studies cross-registered in a course on ‘French Feminism’ in the neighboring Romance Language Department. I then offer a unique reading of Irigaray’s reception surrounding her early writing on divinity, highlighting ways that Anglo-American theologians and feminist philosophers leveraged Irigaray’s contested status as a French Feminist and philosopher of religion as a way to simultaneously interrogate Irigaray’s claims about the divine as well as mollify generalized Anglo-American anxiety around writing grounded in post-structuralist Lacanian theory. I draw attention to the prevalence of Luce Irigaray’s thought in the 1993 co-edited volume Transfigurations: Theology and the French Feminists, the special issue “Feminist Philosophy of Religion'' in Hypatia (1994), and in the field-defining books of two pioneers of the discipline: Pamela Sue Anderson and Grace Jantzen. I conclude with reflections about reception of Irigaray’s writing on the divine with regards to her more recent publications.

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