URI Department of Geosciences Faculty Publications | Geosciences | University of Rhode Island
Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Geosciences faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2023


Contaminant Back Diffusion from Low-Conductivity Matrices: Case Studies of Remedial Strategies, Julie Blue, Thomas Boving, Mary Ellen Tuccillo, Jonathan Koplos, Jason Rose, Michael Brooks, and David Burden


Delineating bedrock topography with geophysical techniques: An implication for groundwater mapping, Jeeban Panthi, Carole D. Johnson, Soni M. Pradhanang, Brian Savage, Mamoon Y. Ismail, and Thomas B. Boving


Sustainable Water Treatment with Induced Bank Filtration, Miles Schelling, Kavita Patil, and Thomas B. Boving


Implementation Plan of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program Strategy—Northeast Region of the United States: New York and New England, Gregory J. Walsh, Margaret A. Thomas, Robert G. Marvinney, Stephen B. Mabee, Frederick H. Chormann, Andrew Kozlowski, Marjorie H. Gale, Jon Kim, and Brian Savage

Submissions from 2022


The evaluation of climate change impact on hydrologic processes of a mountain river basin, Tirtha Raj Adhikari, Rocky Talchabhadel, Suraj Shrestha, Sanjib Sharma, Dibit Aryal, and Soni M. Pradhanang


Communal Wastewater Treatment Plants’ Effectiveness, Management, and Quality of Groundwater: A Case Study in Indonesia, Widodo Brontowiyono, Thomas B. Boving, Adelia Anju Asmara, Suphia Rahmawati, Andik Yulianto, Noviani Ima Wantoputri, Annisa Nur Lathifah, and Yuli Andriansyah


Peroxone activated persulfate oxidation of 1,4-Dioxane under column scale conditions, M. Cashman, R. Ball, T. Lewis, and T. B. Boving


Quantification of microplastics in sediments from Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island USA using a novel isolation and extraction method, Michaela A. Cashman, Troy Langknecht, Dounia El Khatib, Robert M. Burgess, Thomas B. Boving, Sandra Robinson, and Kay T. Ho


U-Pb detrital zircon analysis of sedimentary rocks of the southeastern New England Avalon terrane in the U.S. Appalachians: Evidence for a separate crustal block, Yvette D. Kuiper, Daniel P. Murray, Sonia Ellison, and James L. Crowley


Groundwater quality: global challenges, emerging threats and novel approaches, Dan Lapworth, Thomas B. Boving, Bentje Brauns, Jane Dottridge, Paul Hynds, Seifu Kebede, David Kreamer, Bruce Misstear, Abhijit Mukherjee, Viviana Re, James Sorensen, and Claudia Ruz Vargas


Groundwater quality: Global threats, opportunities and realising the potential of groundwater, D. J. Lapworth, T. B. Boving, D. K. Kreamer, S. Kebede, and P. L. Smedley


Water Quality Observations from Space: A Review of Critical Issues and Challenges, Cameron Murray, Albert Larson, Joseph E. Goodwill, Yeqiao Wang, Dawn Cardace, and Ali S. Akanda


GIS-based analytical modeling on evaluating impacts of urbanization in Amman water resources, Jordan, Taleb Odeh, Alsharifa Hind Mohammad, Soni M. Pradhanang, Mamoon Ismail, and Tino Rödiger


Reproducibility and variability of earthquake subsidence estimates from saltmarshes of a Cascadia estuary, Jason Scott Padgett, Simon E. Engelhart, Harvey M. Kelsey, Robert C. Witter, and Niamh Cahill


Saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers in the contiguous United States — A systematic review of investigation approaches and monitoring networks, Jeeban Panthi, Soni M. Pradhanang, Annika Nolte, and Thomas B. Boving


The Lost and the Found: Memories of Donald V. Helmberger, Brian K. Savage


Increasing risk of cascading hazards in the central Himalayas, Sanjib Sharma, Rocky Talchabhadel, Santosh Nepal, Ganesh R. Ghimire, Biplob Rakhal, Jeeban Panthi, Basanta R. Adhikari, Soni M. Pradhanang, Shreedhar Maskey, and Saurav Kumar


Optimal selection of representative climate models and statistical downscaling for climate change impact studies: a case study of Rhode Island, USA, Shiva Gopal Shrestha and Soni M. Pradhanang


Eggshells assemblages and stable isotope composition in the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) El Gallo Formation of Baja California, Mexico: Paleoenvironmental inferences, Jonathan Silivino Cabrera-Hernández, Marisol Montellano-Ballesteros, Priyadarsi D. Roy, and David E. Fastovsky

Submissions from 2021


Diatoms of the intertidal environments of Willapa Bay, Washington, USA as a sea-level indicator, Isabel Hong, Benjamin P. Horton, Andrea D. Hawkes, Robert J. O'Donnell III, Jason Scott Padgett, Tina Dura, and Simon E. Engelhart


Surface Runoff Responses to Suburban Growth: An Integration of Remote Sensing, GIS, and Curve Number, Khurshid Jahan, Soni M. Pradhanang, and Md Abu Ehsan Bhuiyan


Timing and amount of southern Cascadia earthquake subsidence over the past 1700 years at northern Humboldt Bay, California, USA, Jason S. Padgett, Simon E. Engelhart, Harvey M. Kelsey, Robert C. Witter, Niamh Cahill, and Eileen Hemphill-Haley


Urban Water Security for Sustainable Cities in the Context of Climate Change, Soni M. Pradhanang and Khurshid Jahan


Microbial communities in a serpentinizing aquifer are assembled through strong concurrent dispersal limitation and selection, Lindsay I. Putman, Mary C. Sabuda, William J. Brazelton, Michael D. Kubo, Tori M. Hoehler, Tom M. McCollom, Dawn Cardace, and Matthew O. Schrenk


Biogeochemical Gradients in a Serpentinization-Influenced Aquifer: Implications for Gas Exchange Between the Subsurface and Atmosphere, Mary C. Sabuda, Lindsay I. Putman, Tori M. M. Hoehler, Michael D. Kubo, William J. Brazelton, Dawn Cardace, and Matthew O. Schrenk


Body Wave Speed Structure of Eastern North America, Brian Savage


Induced Bank Filtration: Hydraulic Testing of Pilot Filters, Miles Schelling, Thomas B. Boving, and K. Patil


Accessing the Subsurface Biosphere Within Rocks Undergoing Active Low-Temperature Serpentinization in the Samail Ophiolite (Oman Drilling Project), Alexis S. Templeton, Eric T. Ellison, Clemens Glombitza, Yuki Morono, Kaitlin R. Rempfert, Tori M. Hoehler, Spencer D. Zeigler, Emily A. Kraus, John R. Spear, Daniel B. Nothaft, Elizabeth M. Fones, Eric S. Boyd, Mason Munro-Ehrlich, Lisa E. Mayhew, Dawn Cardace, Juerg M. Matter, and Peter B. Kelemen


Tracking Subsurface Active Weathering Processes in Serpentinite, Masako Tominaga, Estefania Ortiz, Joshua Franz Einsle, Noah Francis Ryoichi Vento, Matthew O. Schrenk, Iris Buisman, Isra S. Ezad, and Dawn Cardace


Small Unmanned Aircraft (sUAS)-Deployed Thermal Infrared (TIR) Imaging for Environmental Surveys with Implications in Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD): Methods, Challenges, and Novel Opportunities, Kyle S.R. Young and Soni M. Pradhanang

Submissions from 2020


Editorial: Deep Carbon Science, Dawn Cardace, Dan J. Bower, Isabelle Daniel, Artur Ionescu, Sami Mikhail, Mattia Pistone, and Sabin Zahirovic


Use of α-cyclodextrin to Promote Clean and Environmentally Friendly Disinfection of Phenolic Substrates via Chlorine Dioxide Treatment, Sauradip Chaudhuri, Dana J. DiScenza, Thomas B. Boving, Alan Burke, and Mindy Levine


Paleoenvironments, taphonomy, and stable isotopic content of the terrestrial, fossil-vertebrate–bearing sequence of the El Disecado Member, El Gallo Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Baja California, México, David Fastovsky, Marisol Montellano-Ballesteros, Henry C. Fricke, Jahandar Ramezani, Kaori Tsukui, Gregory P. Wilson, Paul Hall, Rene Hernandez-Rivera, and Geraldo Alvarez


Predicting Runoff Chloride Concentrations in Suburban Watersheds Using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Khurshid Jahan and Soni M. Pradhanang


Affective factors during field research that influence intention to persist in the geosciences, Karen M. Kortz, Dawn Cardace, and Brian Savage


A dynamic microbial sulfur cycle in a serpentinizing continental ophiolite, Mary C. Sabuda, William J. Brazelton, Lindsay I. Putman, Tom M. McCollom, Tori M. Hoehler, Michael D.Y. Kubo, Dawn Cardace, and Matthew O. Schrenk


Carbon Assimilation Strategies in Ultrabasic Groundwater: Clues from the Integrated Study of a Serpentinization-Influenced Aquifer, Lauren M. Seyler, William J. Brazelton, Craig McLean, Lindsay I. Putman, Alex Hyer, Michael DY Kubo, Tory Hoehler, Dawn Cardace, and Matthew O. Schrenk


Development of Ceramic Water Filter Clay Selection Criteria, Zachary J. Shepard, Yichen Zhang, Nelson M. Anaya, Dawn Cardace, and Vinka Oyanedel-Craver


Evaluation of AnnAGNPS Model for Runoff Simulation on Watersheds from Glaciated Landscape of USA Midwest and Northeast, Marzia Tamanna, Soni M. Pradhanang, Arthur Gold, Kelly Addy, Philippe G. Vidon, and Ronald L. Bingner

Submissions from 2019


An Innovative Approach to Tracking Sediment Transport along Roads, Thomas B. Boving, Tabatha Lewis, and Eko Siswoyo


Contrasting behavior of nitrate and phosphate flux from high flow events on small agricultural and urban watersheds, Sarah Frazar, Arthur J. Gold, Kelly Addy, Florentina Moatar, François Birgand, Andrew W. Schroth, D. Q. Kellogg, and Soni M. Pradhanang


The Case for LED-UVC as a Primary Disinfectant for Small Sustainable Drinking Water Systems, Hichem Hadjeres, Soni M. Pradhanang, Thomas B. Boving, Maxwell Meadows, and Souheil Benzerrouk


A new approach to generalizing riparian water and air quality function across regions, Yasaman T. Hassanzadeh, Philippe G. Vidon, Arthur J. Gold, Soni M. Pradhanang, and Kelly Addy


RZ-TRADEOFF: A New Model to Estimate Riparian Water and Air Quality Functions, Yasaman T. Hassanzadeh, Philippe G. Vidon, Arthur J. Gold, Soni M. Pradhanang, and Kelly Addy Lowder


Testing the Utility of Geochemical Proxies to Reconstruct Holocene Coastal Environments and Relative Sea Level: A Case Study from Hungry Bay, Bermuda, Andrew C. Kemp, Christopher H. Vane, Nicole S. Khan, Joanna C. Ellison, Simon E. Engelhart, Benjamin P. Horton, Daria Nikitina, Struan R. Smith, Lisa J. Rodrigues, and Ryan P. Moyer


Inception of a global atlas of sea levels since the Last Glacial Maximum, Nicole S. Khan, Benjamin P. Horton, Simon E. Engelhart, Alessio Rovere, Matteo Vacchi, Erica L. Ashe, Torbjorn E. Tornqvist, Andrea Dutton, Marc P. Hijma, and Ian Shennan


N-Nitrosodimethylamine Formation from Treatment of Seasonally and Spatially Varying Source Water, Maxwell C. Meadows, Soni M. Pradhanang, Takahiro Fuijoka, Hitsohi Kodamatani, Menu B. Leddy, and Thomas B. Boving


The Effect of a Tropical Climate on Available Nutrient Resources to Springs in Ophiolite-Hosted, Deep Biosphere Ecosystems in the Philippines, D'Arcy R. Meyer-Dombard, Magdelena R. Osburn, Dawn Cardace, and Carlo A. Arcilla


Upper-plate deformation of Late Pleistocene marine terraces in the Trinidad, California, coastal area, southern Cascadia subduction zone, Jason Scott Padgett, Harvey M. Kelsey, and David Lamphear


Floating Wetlands System: A Viable Alternative for Water Pollutants Remediation, Soni M. Pradhanang, Thomas B. Boving, and Ehren Meisinger


Influence of land use and hydrologic variability on seasonal dissolved organic carbon and nitrate export: insights from a multi-year regional analysis for the northeastern USA, Erin Seybold, Arthur J. Gold, Shreeram P. Inamdar, Carol Adair, W. B. Bowden, Matthew C.H. Vaughan, Soni M. Pradhanang, Kelly Addy, James B. Shanley, Andrew Vermilyea, Delphis F. Levia, Beverley C. Wemple, and Andrew W. Schroth


Multimetal Resistant, Alkalitolerant Bacteria Isolated from Serpentinizing Fluid-Associated Sediments and Acid Mine Drainage in the Zambales Ophiolite, the Philippines, Bharathi Vallalar, D’Arcy R. Meyer-Dombard, Dawn Cardace, and Carlo A. Arcilla


Modeling Three-Dimensional Wave Propagation in Anelastic Models With Surface Topography by the Optimal Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta Method, Nian Wang, Jiahang Li, Dmitry Borisov, Hom Nath Gharti, Yang Shen, Wei Zhang, and Brian K. Savage

Submissions from 2018


Performance of Riverbank Filtration under Hydrogeologic Conditions along the Upper Krishna River in Southern India, Thomas B. Boving, K. Patil, F. D’Souza, S. F. Barker, S. L. McGuinness, J. O’Toole, M. Sinclair, A. B. Forbes, and K. Leder


Assessing the impact of urbanization on flood risk and severity for the Pawtuxet watershed, Rhode Island, Anthony Campbell, Soni M. Pradhanang, Soroush Kouhi Anbaran, Joshua Sargent, Zachary Palmer, and Michael Audette


Early Evolution of Modern Birds Structured by Global Forest Collapse at the End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction, Daniel J. Field, Antoine Bercovici, Jacob S. Berv, Regan Dunn, David E. Fastovsky, Tyler R. Lyson, Vivi Vajda, and Jacques A. Gauthier


Cornalean affinities, phylogenetic significance, and biogeographic implications of Operculifructus infructescences from the Late Cretaceous (Campanian) of Mexico, Reilly F. Hayes, Selena Y. Smith, Marisol Montellano-Ballesteros, Gerardo Álvarez-Reyes, René Hernandez-Rivera, and David E. Fastovsky


Biofilm formation and potential for iron cycling in serpentinization-influenced groundwater of the Zambales and Coast Range ophiolites, D’Arcy R. Meyer-Dombard, Caitlin P. Casar, Alexander G. Simon, Dawn Cardace, Matthew O. Schrenk, and Carlo A. Arcilla


Geophysical Characterization of Serpentinite Hosted Hydrogeology at the McLaughlin Natural Reserve, Coast Range Ophiolite, Estefania Ortiz, Masako Tominaga, Dawn Cardace, Matthew O. Schrenk, Tori M. Hoehler, Michael D. Kubo, and Dale F. Rucker


Sea-level change from minutes to millennia: first meeting of IGCP Project 639 in Oman, Jason Scott Padgett, Simon E. Engelhart, Gösta Hoffmann, Alar Rosentau, and Fengling Yu


River-discharge Effects on United States Atlantic and Gulf Coast Sea-level Changes, Christopher G. Piecuch, Klaus Bittermann, Andrew C. Kemp, Rui M. Ponte, Christopher M. Little, Simon E. Engelhart, and Steven J. Lentz


Ecological implications of pedogenesis and geochemistry of ultramafic soils in Kinabalu Park (Malaysia), Antony van der Ent, Dawn Cardace, Mark Tibbett, and Guillaume Echevarria

Submissions from 2017


Riverbank Filtration Technology at the Nexus of Water-Energy-Food, Thomas B. Boving and Kavita Patil


Assessing Thermally Stressful Events in a Rhode Island Coldwater Fish Habitat Using the SWAT Model, Britta Chambers, Soni Pradhanang, and Arthur Gold


Simulating Climate Change Induced Thermal Stress in Coldwater Fish Habitat Using SWAT Model, Britta Chambers, Soni Pradhanang, and Arthur Gold


Estimation of flow regime for a spatially varied Himalayan watershed using improved multi-site calibration of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, Mohammad Alfi Hasan and Soni M. Pradhanang


Nuisance Flooding and Relative Sea-Level Rise: The Importance of Present-Day Land Motion, Makan A. Karegar, Timothy H. Dixon, Rocco Malservisi, Jürgen Kusche, and Simon E. Engelhart


Protocol for a Cluster Randomised Stepped Wedge Trial Assessing the Impact of a Community-Level Hygiene Intervention and a Water Intervention Using Riverbank Filtration Technology on Diarrhoeal Prevalence in India, Sarah L. McGuinness, Joanne E. O'Toole, Thomas B. Boving, Andrew B. Forbes, Martha Sinclair, Sumit K. Gautam, and Karen Leder


Assessment of Nitrogen Inputs into Hunt River by Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems via SWAT Simulation, Supria Paul, Michaela Cashman, Katelyn Szura, and Soni Pradhanang


Water‐Energy‐Food Nexus: Examples from the USA, Soni M. Pradhanang


Wave speed structure of the eastern North American margin, B. Savage, B. M. Covellone, and Y. Shen


A seismic shift in continental tectonic plates, Brian Savage


Serpentinization-Influenced Groundwater Harbors Extremely Low Diversity Microbial Communities Adapted to High pH, Katrina I. Twing, William J. Brazelton, Michael D. Y. Kubo, Alex J. Hyer, Dawn Cardace, Tori M. Hoehler, Tom M. McCollom, and Matthew O. Schrenk

Submissions from 2016


Drought risk assessment in central Nepal: temporal and spatial analysis, Piyush Dahal, Nicky Shree Shrestha, Madan Lall Shrestha, Nir Y. Krakauer, Jeeban Panthi, Soni M. Pradhanang, Ajay Jha, and Tarendra Lakhankar


The Hell Creek Formation and its contribution to the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction: A short primer, David E. Fastovsky and Antoine Bercovici


Impact of Irrigation Method on Water Use Efficiency and Productivity of Fodder Crops in Nepal, Ajay K. Jha, Razan Malla, Mohan Sharma, Jeeban Panthi, Tarendra Lakhankar, Nir Y. Krakauer, Soni Pradhanang, Piyush Dahal, and Madan Lall Shrestha


Modeling Nitrogen Losses in Conventional and Advanced Soil-Based Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems under Current and Changing Climate Conditions, Ivan Morales, Jennifer Cooper, José A. Amador, and Thomas B. Boving


Bacteria Removal from Stormwater Runoff Using Tree Filters: A Comparison of a Conventional and an Innovative System, Laura A. Schifman, Varun K. Kasaraneni, Ryan K. Sullivan, Vinka Oyanedel-Craver, and Thomas B. Boving

Submissions from 2015


Feasible Metabolisms in High pH Springs of the Philippines, Dawn Cardace, D'Arcy R. Meyer-Dombard, Kristin M. Woycheese, and Carlo A. Arcilla


Seismic wave speed structure of the Ontong Java Plateau, Brian M. Covellone, Brian Savage, and Yang Shen


Probabilistic Precipitation Estimation with a Satellite Product, Nir Y. Krakauer, Soni M. Pradhanang, Jeeban Panthi, Tarendra Lakhankar, and Ajay K. Jha


High pH Microbial Ecosystems in a Newly Discovered, Ephemeral, Serpentinizing Fluid Seep at Yanartaş (Chimera), Turkey, D'Arcy R. Meyer-Dombard, Kristin M. Woycheese, Erin N. Yargıçoğlu, Dawn Cardace, Yasemin Güleçal-Pektas, and Mustafa Temel


Tsunami recurrence in the eastern Alaska-Aleutian arc: A Holocene stratigraphic record from Chirikof Island, Alaska, Alan R. Nelson, Richard W. Briggs, Tina Dura, Simon E. Engelhart, Guy Gelfenbaum, Lee-Ann Bradley, Steve L. Forman, Christopher H. Vane, and Katherine A. Kelley


Sea-level change and subsidence in the Delaware Estuary during the last ∼2200 years, Daria Nikitina, Andrew C. Kemp, Simon E. Engelhart, Benjamin P. Horton, David F. Hill, and Robert E. Kopp


Spatial and Temporal Variability of Rainfall in the Gandaki River Basin of Nepal Himalaya, Jeeban Panthi, Piyush Dahal, Mandan Lall Shrestha, Suman Aryal, Nir Y. Krakauer, Soni M. Pradhanang, Tarendra Lakhankar, Ajay K. Jha, Mohan Sharma, and Ramchandra Karki


Sharing Climate Information in the Himalayas, J. Panthi, N. Y. Krakauer, and Soni M. Pradhanang


National Livestock Policy of Nepal: Needs and Opportunities, Upendra B. Pradhanang, Soni M. Pradhanang, Arhan Sthapit, Nir Y. Krakauer, Ajay Jha, and Tarendra Lakhankar


Nonequilibrium clumped isotope signals in microbial methane, David T. Wang, Danielle S. Gruen, Barbara Sherwood Lollar, Kai Uwe Hinrichs, Lucy C. Stewart, James F. Holden, Alexander N. Hristov, John W. Pohlman, Penny L. Morrill, Martin Könneke, Kyle B. Delwiche, Eoghan P. Reeves, Chelsea N. Sutcliffe, Daniel J. Ritter, Jeffrey S. Seewald, Jennifer C. McIntosh, Harold F. Hemond, Michael D. Kubo, Dawn Cardace, Tori M. Hoehler, and Shuhei Ono


Out of the Dark: Transitional Subsurface-to-Surface Microbial Diversity in a Terrestrial Serpentinizing Seep (Manleluag, Pangasinan, the Philippines), Kristin M. Woycheese, D'Arcy R. Meyer-Dombard, Dawn Cardace, Anacleto M. Argayosa, and Carlo A. Arcilla

Submissions from 2014


Uplift and Subsidence Reveal a Nonpersistent Megathrust Rupture Boundary (Sitkinak Island, Alaska), Richard W. Briggs, Simon E. Engelhart, Alan R. Nelson, Tina Dura, Andrew C. Kemp, Peter J. Haeussler, D. Reide Corbett, Stephen J. Angster, and Lee-Ann Bradley


Insights into Environmental Controls on Microbial Communities in a Continental Serpentinite Aquifer Using a Microcosm-Based Approach, Melitza Crespo-Medina, Katrina I. Twing, Michael D.Y. Kubo, Tori M. Hoehler, Dawn Cardace, Tom McCollom, and Matthew O. Schrenk


Erratum;enhancement of surface runoff quality using modified sorbents (ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (2014) 2:7 (1609-1615) (DOI:10.1021/sc500107q)), Varun K. Kasaraneni, Laura A. Schifman, Thomas B. Boving, and Vinka Oyanedel-Craver


Transport of Pathogen Surrogates in Soil Treatment Units: Numerical Modeling, Ivan Morales, Janet A. Atoyan, José A. Amador, and Thomas Boving


Storm erosion during the past 2000 years along the north shore of Delaware Bay, USA, Daria L. Nikitina, Andrew C. Kemp, Benjamin P. Horton, Christopher H. Vane, Orson van de Plassche, and Simon E. Engelhart


Revised chronostratigraphy of the lower chinle formation strata in arizona and new mexico (usa): High-Precision u-Pb geochronological constraints on the late triassic evolution of dinosaurs, Jahandar Ramezani, David E. Fastovsky, and Samuel A. Bowring


Little Late Holocene Strain Accumulation and Release on the Aleutian Megathrust Below the Shumagin Islands, Alaska, Robert C. Witter, Richard W. Briggs, Simon E. Engelhart, Guy Gelfenbaum, Richard D. Koehler, and William D. Barnhart

Submissions from 2013


Establishment of the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory (CROMO): Drilling Objectives and Preliminary Outcomes, Dawn Cardace, T. Hoehler, T. McCollom, M. Schrenk, D. Carnevale, M. Kubo, and K. Twing


Modern foraminifera, δ13C, and bulk geochemistry of central Oregon tidal marshes and their application in paleoseismology, Simon E. Engelhart, Benjamin P. Horton, Christopher H. Vane, Alan R. Nelson, Robert C. Witter, Sarah R. Brody, and Andrea D. Hawkes


Testing the terrestrial δ13C Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) chemostratigraphic marker, Rachel Grandpre, Andrew Schauer, Kyle Samek, Anne Veeger, Peter Ward, and David Fastovsky


From paleontology to paleobiology: A half-century of progress in understanding life history, Patricia H. Kelley, David E. Fastovsky, Mark A. Wilson, Richard A. Laws, and Anne Raymond