Comparison of different methods of determining the sex type of an occupation

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The 'sex type' of an occupation is frequently used as an independent variable in vocational, organizational, and sex-role research. The sex type of an occupation interacts with the sex of subjects and applicants and affects a host of dependent variables including choice and interest in an occupation, selection of decisions, perceived success, and expectations regarding performance. Recently, the sex type of an occupation has also come to play an integral role in comparable worth theory, where it is argued that female sex-typed occupations are paid less than they are worth. The sex type of an occupation has been frequently investigated. Two major methods, actual rates of participation in the labor market and subjective estimates, have been used to determine the sex type of an occupation. The present study demonstrated that these two methods of estimating sex type may lead to different results.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Psychological Reports




3 I
