Content Posted in 2022
Workplace Readiness for Social Science Majors PSC 101X, Michael Cerbo
Workplace status: The development and validation of a scale, Emilija Djurdjevic, Adam C. Stoverink, Anthony C. Klotz, Joel Koopman, Serge P. da Motta Veiga, Kai Chi Yam, and Jack Ting Ju Chiang
World Language Education Program, Joanna Burkhardt
World Percussion Traditions MUS 334, Jim Kinnie
Worth repeating from the management litera ture: Equal pay and gender: Implications of court cases for personnel practices, Elizabeth A. Cooper and Gerald V. Barrett
Writing Disaster WRT 3XXG, Jim Kinnie
Writing Rhetoric (BA) Professional and Public Writing, Joanna Burkhardt
X-ray powder diffraction on oligomeric and polymeric permethylpolyazine, William B. Euler and Andrew Szabo
X-ray standing-wave investigation, D. Heskett and L. Berman
You, Me and Life in the Sea OCG 106G, Joanna Burkhardt
Your basket and my basket: Teaching and learning about māori-pākehā bicultural organizing, Deborah Jones and Douglas Creed
Zhuangzi’s notion of transcendental life, Eske Janus Møllgaard
Zhuangzi's word, Heidegger's word, and the Confucian word, Eske J. Møllgaard
Zhuangzi's word, Heidegger's word, and the confucian word, Eske J. Møllgaard
Zika virus: The agent and its biology, with relevance to pathology, Carey L. Medin and Alan L. Rothman
Zoo Animal Management AVS 327, Michael Cerbo
Zoo Animal Management AVS 327X, Michael Cerbo
α,β-Methylene-2′-deoxynucleoside 5′-triphosphates as noncleavable substrates for DNA polymerases: Isolation, characterization, and stability studies of novel 2′-deoxycyclonucleosides, 3,5′-cyclo-dG, and 2,5′-cyclo-dT, Fengting Liang, Nidhi Jain, Troy Hutchens, David D. Shock, William A. Beard, Samuel H. Wilson, M. Paul Chiarelli, and Bongsup P. Cho