Document Type


Date of Original Version



Annual Report of the Acquisitions Unit, University Libraries, University of Rhode Island for FY16. Covers personnel, work flow, special projects, and serial, monograph, and e-resource acquisitions. Supplemental files include data on library materials expenditures by a number of variables as well as important working documents from the year.

Acquisitions Unit Annual Report 2015-2016 statistical supplement.xlsx (138 kB)
Acquisitions Annual Report 2015-2016 statistical supplement Excel spreadsheet

Alma FY16 Fund Reports Combined.pdf (84 kB)
FY16 final fund expenditure reports from Alma Analytics

Expenditures by Continuity.pdf (2 kB)
Alma Analytics report - FY16 expenditures by continuity

Expenditures by Reporting Code.pdf (3 kB)
Alma Analytics report - FY16 expenditures by reporting code

Expenditures by Vendor.pdf (5 kB)
Alma Analytics report - FY16 expenditures by vendor

Expenditures Per Month.pdf (33 kB)
Alma Analytics report - FY16 expenditures per month

Fund allocations for FY16 FINAL ajr.xlsx (17 kB)
FY16 Fund Code allocations final

2016 EBSCO renewal and sub changes.xlsx (40 kB)
EBSCO renewal and other subscription changes 2016
