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This study aimed to investigate the influence of Nordstrom's business practices on the shopping behavior of Generation Z consumers. With the rise of technology and changing consumer preferences, it is crucial to understand how department stores like Nordstrom can adapt to the purchasing habits of this emerging consumer segment. The significance of this study lies in filling the research gap regarding Nordstrom and its engagement with Gen Z. Existing literature primarily focuses on older generations and lacks any insights into the purchasing behavior of Generation Z consumers, especially when it comes to department stores.

Gen Z consumers are defined as the generation that comes after Millennials, born after 1997 (Dimock, 2019). It is estimated that nearly a third of this generation was born with access to the Internet and has been virtually connected to the world for some time now (Thangavel et al., 2022). A study was done in 2017 and found that social media has a greater impact on Gen Z than it does on Millennials (Accenture, 2017). Therefore, this study targeted Generation Z consumers, their purchasing habits and motivations, and the role of Instagram marketing and smart retailing to highlight the importance of understanding and adapting to Gen Z's preferences and behaviors. Knowing this information can help Nordstrom be a leading luxury department store for Gen Z.
