Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Community Planning (MCP)


Community Planning and Area Development

First Advisor

Farhad Atash


This study is a land use plan for noise compatibility near Quonset State Airport. The study area includes northeastern North Kingstown and northern Jamestown. The premise of the study is that the future of Quonset State Airport (QSA) will include expanded military, cargo, and general aviation operations that will lead to a subsequent increase in noise in the surrounding community. Airport noise regulation is fragmented between federal, state, and local governments, and airport management. The current users of the airport already follow noise abatement procedures.

The Town of North Kingstown is diverse in its land use and economic base. Open space, industrial sites, and water lie immediately next to the airport. Jamestown is a more rural and residential community. Both Towns have residential areas in locations where they can be impacted by excessive noise. The redevelopment of the Quonset Point/Davisville industrial sites, the air traffic in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut, and national defense policy will all have an impact on the future use of the airport. Because existing airport facilities can support large commercial aircraft, because of the other transportation links located in the complex, and because the airport is perceived as a low-impact noise area, Quonset Point/Davisville will become a target for future development.

By forecasting the number of daily jet operations through projected based aircraft of civilian and military tenants, the footprint of noise contours can be estimated using the Noise Exposure Forecast method. These contours are adjusted to reflect local flight patterns and then overlaid on land use and zoning maps. The overlays show residential land and undeveloped land that is zoned for residential use in areas that are not suitable for noise sensitive uses. As a preventive measure to avoid more costly noise mitigation in the future, an Airport Overlay District is recommended for the area with certain residential zones within the district changed to non-residential. The study also makes recommendations on mitigation strategies and additional airport contributions to noise abatement.



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