Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Community Planning (MCP)


Community Planning and Area Development

First Advisor

John J. Kupa


With a 1980 population of 27,069, the Town of Cumberland contains 28 square miles (17,856 acres) in area. The triangular-shaped town is located in the extreme northeast corner of the state and is bordered by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the north and east; the Cities of Central Falls and Woonsocket to the south and northwest, respectively; and by the Blackstone River which forms the town's western border (see Figure 1) .

Land use in Cumberland can be classified as relatively undeveloped in the north, moderately developed along state highways in central portions of the town, and heavily urbanized in southern sections (see Figure 2). According to the Rhode Island Statewide Planning Program (Industrial Zoning Guidelines, 1980), Cumberland has under its present zoning ordinance 1,052 acres of industrial land. Of this total acreage, 741 acres lie within flood hazard zones, while the remaining acreage has other physical constraints or other infrastructure limitations.



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