Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Community Planning (MCP)


Community Planning

First Advisor

Howard Foster


This project, Disc Golf: Sport for Sustainable Community, aims to promote the sport of disc golf as an environmentally reverent and cost effective, recreational opportunity for a sustainable community. This paper also suggests enhancements to the signs and maps of a disc golf course in order to include environmental interpretation aspects into the recreational facility. Reviewing the material will enable a community to determine potential disc course locations and designs.

This project describes the sport of disc golf to introduce the principal concepts for those who may be unfamiliar with the sport. In the United States, The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports has approved disc sports as worthy of attaining their recognition award. A goal of the council is "To increase physical activity participation and opportunities by encouraging the development of community, recreation, physical fitness and sports programs-"(PCPFS, 1982). The game of disc golf requires a full motion low impact ·aerobic stroll. This activity portrays intergenerational behaviors prescribed for remedy and sustenance of health (Watson & Pulliam, 2000). Disc Golf's addition to the line up of competitive events in the 2001 World Games in Akita, Japan highlights the global presence of the sport. Disc sports are included in all levels of education, from elementary school physical education to collegiate courses, covering cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills (Caporali, 1988). In order for continued establishment of this sport, facilities need appropriate incorporation into receptive community scenarios.



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