Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marine Affairs


Marine Affairs

First Advisor

Jesse Reiblich


A comparative policy analysis was conducted to examine the current efforts, priorities, and goals for climate adaptive fisheries management at the Federal, Regional, and State level from 2014-2024 by categorizing the resulting documents into 4 climate adaptive management elements. We are currently encountering a novel challenge in effectively responding to environmental changes resulting from the effects of climate change. This study establishes the expectations of the Federal and State governments and how the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) is responding to those expectations. The federal government (through documents, legislation, and Executive Orders) has established a low bar of expectations, ultimately only calling for increased research on climate change impacts on marine resources and broad actions or guidelines with no direct strategy for implementation. The exception to this is the NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Policy (effective 2016) and the NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Road Map (effective 2017) which established the only clear expectation of an all-inclusive climate adaptive management framework, along with direction on how to implement it. State governments lacked climate action plans specifically tailored for fisheries, beyond the mandated Wildlife Action Plans, lack comprehensive strategies to address climate-related stressors affecting their marine resources. The NEFMC has begun effort towards climate adaptive management through their draft eFEP for Georges Bank that ultimately provides a more flexible and adaptive management strategy by creating a plan that considers a broader range of goals, objectives, and improvements of ecosystem services. However, this document represents the beginning and can serve as a model for addressing similar challenges faced by other species affected by climate change, such as shifts in stock distribution. This study aims to identify State and Federal management strategies that promote climate adaptive fisheries management and assess strategies for the NEFMC to implement for future management strategies.



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