Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marine Affairs


Marine Affairs

First Advisor

Dennis Nixon


New Jersey has been plagued in recent years by beach closures resulting from elevated bacteria levels after rainfall events. The Sewage Infrastructure Improvement Act (SIIA) was adopted to correct these problems by addressing both point and nonpoint sources of pollution found in discharges of stormwater. However, there are problems with the SIIA such as overly burdensome requirements, limited resources and lack of future funding and direction. This research identifies these problems and examines existing State and federal legislation to find the necessary components to correct these concerns. The results show that by pursuing a legislative amendment to the SIIA, redistributing funding under the SIIA, amending the proposed Stormwater Management and Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Bond Act Rules to address stormwater projects and developing rules for local implementation of stormwater management/nonpoint source control programs, New Jersey will have the framework necessary to improve the health and preservation of its aquatic ecosystems.



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