"Determination of Optimum Operating Parameters for Gas Permeation" by Anthony Palmieri

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Pharmacy



First Advisor

Anthony N. Paruta


Deaeration via gas permeation was investigated as a means of protection for oxygen sensitive pharmaceuticals and the optimum operating pressure for deaeration determined. The theory of permeation and selected parameters governing permeation were discussed. Gas permeation has been suggested as a viable alternative to currently accepted methods for reduction of dis solved oxygen levels. If this system is to be accepted as a method of protecting sensitive drug moieties, acceptable flow rates with analogous reduction of dis solved oxygen levels must be attained. The applicability of protection must be broad to include systems of interest in pharmaceutics. The intent of this study was to determine dissolved oxygen levels at various pressures and subsequent flow rates of effluent which would produce efficient dissolved oxygen removal at flow rates acceptable for pharmaceutical processes. The acceptibility of the protection afforded a model dru ' system (pyrogallol) was also determined. Dissolved oxygen levels were reduced from approximately 9 ppm to less than 1 ppm with a single pass through the permeator and to trace levels ( < 0. 05 ppm) with a second pass. The effluent flow rate was shown to be proportional to the pressure with which the solvent was forced through the permeator. Water with lower dissolved oxygen levels proved to lessen the rate of degradation of pyrogallol. With both single and double pass systems, the protection afforded was significant. The investigation also suggests that pyrogallol will degradate by non-oxidative means if oxidative degradation processes are not viable.



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