Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics


Mechanical, Industrial and Systems Engineering

First Advisor

Carl-Ernst Rousseau


The dynamic behavior of additively manufactured metal alloys is investigated. For 17-4PH stainless steel (with H1100 heat treatment) and a nickel-copper alloy, the dynamic constitutive behavior is tested at various rates of compressive and tensile loading at both room and high temperatures. Experiments are conducted using an Instron 5582 Universal Tester and a Shimadzu AGX Universal Test Frame for quasi-static compression and tensile tests, respectively, and a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar for all dynamic tests. An induction coil heating system is used for the high temperature (HT) experiments. Strain rates of 10-3 s-1 to 104 s-1 are studied. At the dynamic strain rate of 2500 s-1, the effects of HT are investigated for temperatures ranging from 22 ºC to 1000 ºC for compressive loading and for temperatures from 22 ºC to 600 ºC for tensile loading. Johnson-Cook models (one for compressive loading and one for tensile loading) are established to determine the dynamic plastic response of the 17-4PH H1100 stainless steel for various strain rates and temperatures.

The dynamic response of additively manufactured nickel-copper alloy corrugated panels is studied using a shock tube. By keeping areal mass density and face sheet dimensions the same for all panels, hexagonal and sinusoidal corrugation geometries are tested to determine the effect of corrugation geometry on shock response. The panels have four layers of corrugation allowing for an equal number of contact points between the corrugations and the face sheets on both the front face (shock side) and back face of the panel, as preliminary tests demonstrated the importance of equal contact. Corrugation buckling and back face panel deflection are tracked using high speed photography and 3D Digital Image Correlation (DIC).



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