Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Communication Studies


Communication Studies

First Advisor

Yinjiao Ye


Skin cancer rates are elevated among men, especially men who participate in outdoor sports, such as golf. Male golfers who play regularly are particularly susceptible to skin cancers because of the length of ultraviolet radiation exposure during game time, lack of adequate skin protection, plus their cumulative lifetime exposure is higher than non-golfers. Drawing on the health belief model, the purpose of the research was to analyze golf magazines from two decades for editorial content that communicates the increased risk of skin cancer for male golfers as well as protective measures they can undertake to prevent ultraviolent solar radiation exposure, the primary cause of skin cancers. The study reviewed 20 years of content (1999-2019) for health belief model constructs and interviewed male golfers about their beliefs regarding their skin cancer risks and how they learned to protect their skin. The editorial coverage lacked explanations about why preventative measures are essential and too brief to explain the risks in depth. Photos and illustrations of golfers do not reflect golfer identities. Health interventionists can look to golf magazines as a channel for educational campaigns for men at risk for skin cancer.



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