Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychology



First Advisor

Denise DeZolt


This research evaluates a seven-week conflict resolution - peer mediation program offered at a diverse, small, private middle school (4th through 8th grade). Identical curriculum based measures of knowledge about conflict, self-efficacy for managing conflict, and endorsed strategies for responding to conflict were given both before and after the program. The 72 students demonstrated gains in knowledge following the intervention. Differences were not found in the other areas. An exploration of the relationship among variables revealed low correlation and shared variance. The contribution of conflict knowledge and self-efficacy for managing conflict to the prediction of endorsed conflict response strategies was negligible. Student and staff perceptions regarding the amount and intensity of conflict present at the school were similar on the pretest. Post test data indicate staff/student differences in perception of the amount of conflict, but not in the intensity.



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