Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychology



First Advisor

Paul Florin


The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether five one-hour consciousness-raising sessions could alter inner-city fifth-graders' scores on a measure of sex role stereotyping. Three groups, comprised of twenty-two (22) children each, were given the Maferr Inventory of Feminine Values and a short question asking the approximate amount of television watched every week in both the pre- and post-tests conditions. The children were randomly assigned to either of the following three groups: (1) Consciousness-raising ·group emphasizing sex role stereotyping, (2) Consciousness-raising group emphasizing viewing less television for illogical reasons, and (3) A control group receiving no consciousness-raising intervention. The purpose of the second group was to discover if children would show change on measures regardless of the topic's logic. A matched t-test demonstrated that the children did not significantly change the amount of television that they viewed each week. At-test was performed on all of the original pre-test data indicating that boys will initially report more traditional sex role values than girls. A 3x2 factorial analysis of variance with repeated measures was performed indicating that there was a significant interaction effect between group and intervention. A simple main effects test illustrated that the significant interaction was occurring with the sex role consciousness-raising group and their intervention; however, the significant change within this group was contrary to the predicted more liberal direction. The experimenter posits possible explanations for this finding.



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