"A Measurement Model for Relapse Ideaology" by Jeffery Mark Bellis

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychology



First Advisor

Joesph Rossi


A 12-item Relapse Ideology questionnaire was developed to measure attitudes and beliefs of smokers and ex-smokers (N= 651) towards relapse. Three ideological orientations were constructed, based on the disease, moral and addictive behavior models of addiction described by Marlatt and Gordon (1985). The structure of the questionnaire was examined using principal components analysis and structural modeling techniques. Results suggested a correlated, three factor solution which corresponded to the three models of addiction. The three factor solution was replicated across samples of men and women, samples from Rhode Island and Texas, and across the total sample over time (6 months). Internal consistencies for the three scales ranged from .73 to .85. The three relapse ideology scales were able to successfully discriminate between light and heavy smokers, and were found to be related to movement through the stages of change (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983).



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