Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAE)



First Advisor

Diane Kern


Food insecurity is a major concern across the educational population. Even with several federal programs combating the issue, there are still students in K-12 schools as well as at college and university who do not have access to the nutrition that they need on a daily basis. This lack of necessary food can lead to detrimental educational effects due to the increase in behavioral issues and the loss of academic achievement. These harmful effects can lead students to underperform in school. In the last several years, a new federal program, the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), has been implemented in schools in order to support the growing student population that requires assistance meeting their nutritional needs.

The focus of this thesis was to examine the CEP effects on public, private, and charter schools that have adopted it in one state in the Northeast. Several t-tests were conducted to determine the association between students’ academic achievement on standardized tests before and after the program was implemented. Additional t-tests were additionally conducted to observe if the difference of academic achievement on the standardized tests was similar to those schools who were either eligible for the CEP and did not enroll and to those schools who are ineligible to enroll in the program.

Findings from this study identify a statistically significant association between the CEP and academic achievement in mathematics and add to the current literature in the field.

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