
Pharmaceutical Sciences


Biological Sciences


Seeram, Navindra P.

Advisor Department

Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences




Aloe vera; Medicinal Plants; Natural Products


The world will always demand further development in the pharmaceutical field. Recent times have shown us how devastating a disease can be when there is no cure available. Many scientists dedicate their lives to find such cures, turning to the outside world for assistance by choosing active components within natural products, whether that be flora or fauna. A large portion of this world waits to be explored, and there is no telling where a medicinal ingredient may be found. Many natural products that we encounter in our day to day lives are used for medicinal purposes of all shapes and sizes, and have been for quite some time now. In this project, I analyzed scientific research relating to common medicinal plants, such as Aloe vera, found abundantly in today’s society. Uses for many of these medicinal plants vary, dating back to ancient times when these raw plants were considered a part of medicinal routine. Over the years, they were further explored to identify the benefits of using their contents in a healthcare setting. Some of these ingredients contain an active compound that is used to cause a specific reaction in the body. I used a computational chemistry program to further analyze active compounds in the aloe plant. I replicated the binding activity in these components, specifically looking at the location and nature of the compounds binding in the human body to elicit medicinal effects. It is important to understand the natural world around us and its incorporation in modern medicine as the sciences develop further based off of new technology. We have only touched the surface of the wonders that nature holds, and it is incredibly beneficial to continue our exploration and discover the hidden gems living among us that could better our lives in a remedial manner.
