Female Perpetrated Violence in Media


Kris AdamsFollow




Goods, Emmett

Advisor Department





Violence, Media, Gender, Sex, Female, Male


In music, movies, and television, we have long since eliminated the idea that a man needs to keep his woman in line, however; women portray violent acts against men regularly as a way of putting him in his place. Whether it is verbal or physical, abusive behaviors toward men can be seen on screen or heard in music and in most cases, we are expected to cheer on the woman who has perpetrated the behavior. On its surface, this seems detrimental to men because it normalizes the idea that a real man should just take it but, the social implications of women as abusers are crushing to women as well. This project explored different instances of female perpetrated violence against men in music, movies, and television to identify patterns of violence and the intended reactions to the violent behaviors. After identifying these patterns, I reflected upon their meaning regarding the normalization of abusive behaviors and discussed the meaning of this messaging for social progress regarding gender equity. I discussed ways that media reaffirms binary roles and finished with personal reflection on how we can hold content creators to a higher standard to dispel these unrealistic and unhealthy binaries.

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