
Amanda DiehlFollow




Palmer, Michelle

Advisor Department

Nursing, College of




Marijuana; Pregnancy; Health


Marijuana use during pregnancy is an increasingly common occurrence with little research to show how that use may impact the health of both the mother and the baby. As more states legalize marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes, there has been a notable increase in use. Despite most national medical organizations recommendation to cease the use of marijuana use during pregnancy, there seems to be a shift in the general public’s attitude about marijuana, causing many people to see it as “safe and natural”. Many mothers report that marijuana is their alternative to prescription medications for conditions such as nausea and vomiting related to pregnancy, as well as anxiety and depression. This shift in the general public’s attitude about marijuana use during pregnancy can be problematic because of the possible risks associated with use. Regardless of the reason for use of marijuana, mothers should understand why it is not recommended. Studies have shown possible associations between marijuana use and low birth weights, increased risk of NICU admissions and possible negative psychological outcomes such as anxiety and depression during adolescence. When assessing the impact of marijuana use on the mother, some risks include anemia and an association with risk of postpartum depression. Understanding that there are risks of using marijuana while pregnant is only half of the battle. From here, there is a need to inform and educate both health care providers and the general public, particularly people of childbearing years, about the impact marijuana can have on a fetus when used during pregnancy. Getting this information out to the public is critical. This can be most effectively done through the Internet. Creating a video for social media and website containing vital information about marijuana misuse during pregnancy were the chosen methods to disseminate scholarly information for a general public audience.

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