




Howard, David, T

Advisor Department





The Kennedy Center for the American College Theatre Festival is a regional and national conference where students can compete against other students with their Acting, Directing, Stage Management, and Design skills. Students present scenes, participate in workshops, and present their designs from shows their universities produced in that year. I attended this year’s “KCACTF Region 1:New England” festival from January 30th to February 4th (having been selected to present in the Design Technology Exhibition) and presented a scenic design I created for the URI Theatre production of Body Awareness in April of 2017.

Theatre is a fast-paced industry, and artists are often trapped in the cycle of creating a design, producing it on stage, and, once the show has finished, never visiting it again. For my honors project, I focused on the process of revisiting my work after the show was actualized. Taking the time to redraft my design, I worked to create a professional portfolio piece to be presented to a panel of seven adjudicators. Competing against upwards of 50 different student designers from colleges all across New England. I presented my work in a professional setting to achieved scholars in my field, and in doing so received positive and negative feedback on my artistic process.
