


Ashley, Christy

Advisor Department





social media; influencer; engagement; instagram; marketing; human brand; followers; millenials; app; communication


Social media has become a driving force in today’s world by connecting people all over the globe in an instant. Instagram is one of the leading platforms in social media with almost one billion users to date. Instagram has evolved exponentially post creation and has become a tool that many individuals utilize when marketing a product, a brand, an organization, or themselves. It is imperative to understand how to use this platform, what variables affect your success, and what strategies can be implimented to reach your goals in creating a presence in the world of social media.

This project uses secondary and primary research about Instagram fashion and lifestyle influencers to learn about the behavioral characteristics of millennials, Instagram’s most engaged users. A thorough collection of observational data on fifty influencer accounts along was generated by coding 1,000 Instagram posts and capturing user engagement. The analysis was designed to identify factors with strong, positive relationships to follower engagement, which suggests these factors may be motivating follower behavior.

In discovering the key factors that influence engagement levels between Instagram influencers and their followers, we gain a better understanding on how to use Instagram as a platform to market oneself using social media. Based on the findings, an Instagram influencer can better tailor their posts to optimize user engagement and grow their following, propelling their social media presence, increasing recognition and exposure, and strengthen their status as a human brand.

Included in

Social Media Commons
